ABA Parent Skills Training: Managing Problem Behavior of Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities
It is not uncommon for psychologists, at some point in their careers, to provide consultation services. A psychologist can create/develop an area of specialization or professional expertise and then market him/herself to interested groups/agencies/programs. A psychologist might also be asked by a representative of a group/agency/program to provide the consultation service.
The assignment is basically a consultation proposal (5-6 pages, double-spaced with 1” borders and standard-sized Arial or Times New Roman font) to a group/agency/program that addresses the following:
Nature of the consultation services provided: What assistance are you prepared to provide?
Target population: For whom is the consultation designed (e.g., administrators, directors, staff, mental health providers, supervisors, etc.)
What would be the desired outcome of the consultation: What would the benefit be to the target population? What would the group/agency/program get from this consultation?
Method/process used: What topics/methods would you employ in conducting the consultation?
Describe the process of planning this presentation/consultation and articulate each step you would take in developing and conducting the consultation.
Describe any additional training/education you might need before being ready to provide such a service.