1. Examine the map, Hampstead, NB. Pay particular attention to the broad patterns of relief on this
sheet. With the Lab Manual – Contours, section, “Describing the Physiographic Regions of a
2. Mapsheet” as your guide, expound in at least a few paragraphs on the landscape found on this mapsheet.
Use specific map evidence (UTM Grid) to bolster your assertions.
3. Again, using the Hampstead map find and give the locations of:
a) a “u-shaped” valley
4 b) a “v-shaped” valley
c) relatively flat land (a grid square with less than 50 feet relief)
5. Still using the Hampstead sheet, characterize the use of colour on the map:
a) blue d) brown
(15) b) green e) black
c) red f) white