Questions Chose ONE of the following essay questions for your 3000 word essay. 1 Describe the relationship between social movements and digital media, by focusing on one of the following case studies: &;amp;quot;Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong&;amp;quot; and &;amp;quot;Twitter Revolution in Iran&;amp;quot;. 2 Explain the concepts of ‘participatory culture’, ‘convergence culture’ and ‘produsage’ and illustrate them with examples sourced as appropriate from online and offline/situated practices. Comment on the role and limits of digital technology in supporting or catalysing these practices. 3 Describe either 1. the three approaches to media, communication and development put forward by Manyozo (2012) or, 2. the new social thought in communication and social change described by Tufte (2017). In both cases, provide examples to illustrate. 4 For the last decade, the media and creative industries have increasingly relied on lowwage workers and/or unpaid workers like interns as key parts of their workforce. Please choose a corporation or industry and investigate how lowwage and unpaid workers are deployed and the nature of their work, and critically analyze the corporation/industry’s labor practices within the current debates surrounding labor in media and creative industries. 5 Outline the key changes in the organisation of communications over the next decade and assess their possible impacts on economic and social life? 6 The two statements below are diametrically opposed. Construct a debate between them in which you give both perspectives their due, drawing both on democratic theory and an example from environmental struggle. “Museums should be left free of political actions.” “Museums are key sites for activists to draw public attention to ecological issues.” 7 Select a local urban setting (street, area, building, public space) and frame the discussion around either production, representation OR consumption. Your discussion should focus on how power relations are embedded in the production, representation, or experience of places. This exercise is asking you to learn about a particular place through research and engage with the themes raised in the literature. 8 Propose and argue for one change to copyright laws in one country of your choice OR Discuss critically either the European Union’s proposed Digital Single Market initiative or the “right to be forgotten” case 9 Pick one example of media text and analyse it. This can be a TV program, movie, music video, or other similar product. In the analysis incorporate the concepts and discussions presented in class, carefully identifying the representations of identity and the way they are constructed. To what ends? What are the codes used to create them? In what way said representations correlate to the real communities they belong to? Please be as detailed as possible and incorporate your experience or point of view in the analysis.