Choose a topic relating to Digital Context which you are interested in and write a literature review”. You must choose one of the 3 broad topics detailed below. You will still have to decide exactly what themes you wish to include: *Customer attitudes to online banking ( potential themes – trust; security etc). *Advantages and disadvantages of teenagers use of social media ( potential themes – cyber bullying, socialisation etc). *The role of price comparison sites in ……. Industry. ( You will need to choose an industry e.g. travel). Please read perfect journals that are relating to this topic, and use it as in text in this assignment and list it as Harvard style at the end. I will upload assignment task, structured suggest to write this literature review, Literature Review – Guidance (guide 1, 2 and 3) and friend’s assignment as example. Please do not forget to read from article journals to write this literature review and to use it as evidence in assignment.