Watch either The Color Purple or The Great Gatsby (locate the films using Netflix, Amazon, or your local library) and argue why or why not Franklin’s assertions are correct. Provide examples from the film and your own explanations to support your assertions.
Your will have two choices for your thesis statement:
As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklin’s assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is incorrect because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).
As is evident in the film The Color Purple (or The Great Gatsby), Franklin’s assertion that the American Dream is available to all people is correct because _________, ___________, and _________ (you will determine three points in support of your thesis, and those will become the topics of your three body paragraphs).
Option 2: your outline as a reference, write (and revise) your essay. Your essay must be at least 1,000 words in length (do not count the title page or references page in your word count). Format your draft in APA style (see instructions above) and include the following elements:
Title page,
Introduction and thesis statement,
Three fully developed body paragraphs with properly integrated and cited supporting quotes,
Conclusion, and
References page