Answer the question below [ Don’t exceed the 2 pages]
Q1: Review the study titled “Influence of Genetic Variations in Selenoprotein Genes on the Pattern of Gene Expression after Supplementation with Brazil Nuts”.
A. Describe the design of the study
B. Describe the microarray platform used in the study.
C. Explain the results as presented in figure 2.
D. Identify genes with higher expression levels in the TT2 genotype as presented in figure 4.
Q2: Review the study titled “FDA Escherichia coli Identification (FDA-ECID) Microarray: a
Pangenome Molecular Toolbox for Serotyping, Virulence Profiling, Molecular Epidemiology, and Phylogeny”.
A. Describe the microarray design.
B. Identify the bacterial strains as used in the study.
C. Explain the results of SNP analysis as presented in figures 2 and 3.
Q3: Conduct a literature search for your project topic. How many studies are suitable to be included in your project report?