Assignment: Using your notes on “Body Paragraph Structure,” 10-Point Must System.doc, and the audio clip provided, write a literary analysis paragraph based on JUST ONE of the prompts below. Do not forget to include a work(s) cited page–that is a must.
Focus on the prompts–you will need to choose just ONE of them in which to cater your paragraph assignment and most importantly, when it comes to the structure, use the skills we’ve practiced in the previous literary analysis work. I’ve included samples in the “Body Struct.” tab to help you succeed with these.
1. Kate Chopin was a woman ahead of her time. She wrote openly about women’s emotions in their relations with men, their children, and their own sexuality. This is clearly evident in “The Story of an Hour.” Focusing on the character of Mrs. Mallard, discuss her reactions and other actions after hearing the news of her husband’s “death” and what that says about her and her relationship with her husband. How does the character embody Chopin’s feminist beliefs?
2. In Hughes’s “Mother to Son,” the speaker artfully uses metaphors to show her life struggles and to show her son that although life will be trying and difficult in the face of racism, perseverance will pay off in the end. In your paragraph, discuss the metaphors, and analyze what they mean and the message she is intending to send to her son.
Note: There is a special way to cite poetry. Within the citation, you need to use a backslash ( / ) to show the line breaks, and in the parentheses, instead of the page number(s), you use the line number(s). Please use the MLA notes for further guidance.
3. In “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, the fire plays a large role in the story’s plot. The three women all have a different response and feeling about the fire. Analyze each of the women’s responses/reactions to it (fire) and what it shows about her. Don’t summarize! Focus on how the fire molds, creates, and affects each life following the tragedy.
4. In “Hills Like White Elephants,” Hemingway created conflict between lovers and a debate on an impending abortion. The relationship faces more problems, as portrayed through the story’s dialog. Discuss, by inference gathered from the couple’s discussion, other conflicts the couple faces.