Whеn іt cоmes to рostconflict and postdisaster reconstruction, we have seen a proliferation of socalled “lessons learned” reports. The aim of such reports, which have addressed multiple missions from a mуriad of different viewpoints, is most fundamentally to identify mistakes and failings, and explore how such mistakes could have been avoided, prevented or otherwise addressed, so as to ensure the improvement of reconstruction practice. This assessment item requires you to select one reconstruction mission or an individual project within a given mission, and analyse it in terms of the lessons that can be drawn from it. Your report must be 20002500 words in length and strictly conform to the guidelines posted on Moodle. Lessons Learned Report Guidelines In recent decades we have seen a proliferation of “lessons learned” reports, taking a variety of forms and operating at a variety of levels, across many aspects of conflict and development. This assessment item requires you to select one postconflict or postdisaster reconstruction mission, or an individual project within a given mission, and analyse it in terms of the lessons that can be drawn from it. AUDIENCE & STYLE Similar to the Memoranda to Cabinet, imagine your audience for this report is officials and policymakers in relevant departments, agencies and organizations. Once again, this will require you to present complex issues concisely, using plain language, in a logical and persuasive form. THE STRUCTURE For the purposes of this assessment item, your Lessons Learned Report will include four primary sections, as well as a complete reference list at the end: 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION (300400 words) 1.1 Description of Context (briefly describe the context of your chosen mission/project, including where it took place and under what conditions/circumstances) 1.2 Description of Mission/Project (briefly describe the nature of the mission/project itself, including the key actors, aims, resources, etc.) 2. KEY MISSION/PROJECT SUCCESSES (500600 words) 2.1 Key Mission/Project Successes (briefly outline the key successes of your chosen mission/project and how they were attained). 2.2 Impact of Key Successes (briefly outline the impact of key successes. Did they lead to the mission/project successfully meeting or even exceeding its original aims?) 3. KEY MISSION/PROJECT CHALLENGES AND F AILURES (500600 words) 3.1 Key Mission/Project Challenges (briefly outline the key challenges of your chosen mission/project, examining their nature and causes) 3.2 Impact of Key Challenges (briefly outline the impact of key challenges. Were challenges overcome? If so, how? Did they lead to the failure of the mission/project, or key components of it?)
4. LESSONS LEARNED (8001000 words) 4.1 Replicating Key Successes (analyse the lessons that can be drawn from the key successes in terms of replicating them in future missions and contexts) 4.2 Avoiding/Overcoming Key Challenges (analyse the lessons that can be drawn from the key challenges/failings in terms of avoiding or overcoming them in future missions/projects) * REFERENCE LIST Your Memoranda to Cabinet must be fully referenced using a standard system of referencing (such as APA or Harvard) correctly and consistently, and should include (at the end) a reference list of all sources used, in alphabetical order by author surname.