For this assignment you will create a lesson that includes instruction and practice activities to
enhance L2 readers’ bottom-up skills. Your lesson must include the following components:
• Basic instruction a bottom-up aspect of literacy
o This does not have to be extensive or comprehensive instruction but needs to be
present and explicit
o The instruction should serve primarily as a vehicle for introducing or reviewing
the relevant bottom-up knowledge or skill that students will be working with or
• At least two activities that include controlled (i.e., guided, directed) practice with the
targeted bottom-up aspect of literacy
o One activity should be de-contextualized (i.e., not tied to the text you use) and
one should be tied to the text you use.
o Possible examples (you are not limited to these; they are given here as ideas and
inspiration): practice writing letters; finding letters or spelling patterns in a list of
words; brainstorming words with the same phonemes, graphemes, or spelling
patterns; brainstorming rhyming words (with the same spelling pattern); dictation
practice, identifying words that contain a specific sound, spelling pattern, or
morpheme; sorting or matching games that target specific sounds, spelling
patterns, or morphemes; identifying parts of speech in a sentence; analyzing the
morphemes within unfamiliar words; etc.
• At least one connected text (at least 50 words long; no more than ~500 words) that could
be used to further practice the targeted bottom-up aspect of literacy
o You may use a text written by someone else (but be sure to acknowledge the
o You may adapt a text written by someone else (but be sure to acknowledge the
o You may write your own text
Separately (separate document or separate page), please also provide a description of the target
students (target language, proficiency level, age, learning context [e.g., elementary school, high
school, university; specific course of study]) and why you are focusing on your chosen aspect of
literacy with these students.