Coursе Objeсtives ? Exрlаin the multiple components of curriculum design appropriate for early childhood education. ? Design and assess curriculum alignment with local, state, and national early learning standards. ? Design and evaluate an evidencebased curriculum that promotes physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and language development in alignment to developmentally appropriate practice. ? Design a developmentally appropriate curriculum and learning environment which includes media and technology in early childhood settings. ? Discuss NAEYC’s position statement on developmentally appropriate practice and the relevance to realworld early childhood education settings. Directions: 1) Save and print the Module 1 AnalysisApplication PDF. 2) Create a Word or text document for your lesson plan. Use 12point Arial or Times New Roman font. 3) Use citations and references in APA (6th edition) format as specified in the assignment directions. 4) Create a title page and references page in APA (6th edition) format. 5) Use the bold headings below to organize your Part 1 lesson plan: ??© 2016 American College of Education 1 Curriculum Development: Methods and Strategies ? Lesson Title: Choose a concise, clear, and descriptive title for your lesson. For example: Advanced Walking ? Subject: Choose a single subject or take an interdisciplinary approach appropriate for an early childhood program. For example: Motor Skills Development ? Grade Level: Decide on a grade level or age range ( infants, toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarten) as the target population for the lesson. For example: Toddlers from 12 to 24 months. ? Lesson Description: Describe the basic information or skills you want to teach in the lesson. For example: The activity is designed to strengthen leg muscles and encourage movement. ? Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Determine the knowledge and skills the target population will need to successfully complete the lesson. For example: Students will need to be able to stand without assistance. ? Planning Pyramid: The planning pyramid identifies learning outcomes. o Some students will know: There will be some students in the class having advanced knowledge or skills. For example: After completing this activity, some students will be able to walk or run across the room without assistance. o Most students will know: This is the average knowledge or skill level that students are expected to acquire in the lesson. For example: After completing this activity, most students will be able to take a 10 steps with or without assistance. o All students will know: This is the minimum knowledge or skill level that students are expected to acquire in the lesson. For example: After completing this activity, all students will be able to take 6 steps with assistance. ? Local Standards: Identify early childhood standards specific to the school, city, or community that your lesson will address. For example: Creative Curriculum: Large muscle balance and coordination: Demonstrates balancing skills. Balancing while exploring the immediate environment. ? State Standards: Identify the state, and list the early childhood standards specific to that state that your lesson will address. For example: Texas: Minimum Standards for Childcare Centers: §746.2507 What activities must I provide for toddlers? Subchapter I, Basic Care Requirements for Toddlers December 2010 (4) Opportunities for large muscle development. ? Professional and/or National Standards: Identify the professional or national standards that your lesson will address. For example: NAEYC Standards: Early Childhood Program Standards and Accreditation Criteria & Guidance for Assessment: 2.A.10 The curriculum guides teachers to incorporate content, concepts, and activities that foster: c. physical [development]. ? Materials Needed for the Lesson: List all materials and equipment that you will need to teach and students will use during the lesson. Include similar lesson plans found on the Internet and handouts etc. For example, Imagination Learning Center. (n.d.). Infant Lesson Plan. Retrieved from https://imaginationlearning.net/DocumentsCurrentConnections/Center2/Penguins/Curriculum/Infants%20Year%20Long%20Lesson%20Pla ns.pdf, push cart, play mower, play vacuum cleaner, bubble blower, and bubble solution. ? Media and Technology Needed for the Lesson: List all media and technological devices required for the lesson. For example: Pavlov’z Toyz Electronic Interactive Activity Baby Playpen ??6) Follow the directions to submit your final Word or text document.