General Notes:
The below part is copied from the subject of the assignment.
On Part one, there is also an attached file called “leadership_profiles” to be used on this coursework.
For Part one, please refer to the attached doc “Notes from delivered material”.
On Part three, the attached file “Type Dynamics Indicator_Type at Work Report” could help on determining my leadership style and archetype.
7: Leadership Scenarios
Aim: You will match potential leaders with a variety of scenarios using what you have learned about archetypes.
This activity is split into three parts.
Part one
First, you should spend some time reading through these “leader profiles” and match each leader to an archetype, based on the information given. Remember, some people may fit into more than one archetype, however, you should choose the one you feel is most prominent. You should also write notes explaining your choices.
Part two
Now, consider the following scenarios and select who would the best leader in each situation.
- Someone leading an outdoor training event
- Someone in a local council to implement change after cuts and redundancies
- Someone to lead a start up company through its first year
- Someone working with a new group of trainees
- Someone to turn around a company that has failed due to poor management
- Someone to coach two members of staff through a disputed issue
Again, you should include notes to explain your decisions.
Part three
Finally, you should think about your own leadership style and archetype. Explain which one you most associate with and why. Think about similar leadership scenarios you may have faced in your own professional career. Reflect on your archetype qualities and how they helped or hindered your ability to deal effectively with the situation. Write up your notes of no more than 500 words.