This deliverable supports the following course objectives: to identify your leadership strengths; explain how you are influenced by and how you exert influence on the people around you; and demonstrate your ability to practically apply your leadership skills in a simulation.
The Leadership Immersion via the Online Escape Room will provide you with a hands-on opportunity to apply the fundamentals of leadership, helping you on your journey to become effective business and organizational leaders. In addition to attending and actively participating in the leadership immersion, you will record your actions, observations, and reflections.
Step 1: Pre-immersion
In addition to our in-class pre-immersion intention/reflection exercise, you should further reflect on your intentions for the immersion:
• What are your leadership strengths?
• How do you intend to exercise your leadership strengths?
• What do you hope to learn from the immersion?
Step 2: Immersion
Be ready to challenge yourself and to try something new!
Step 3: Post-immersion
Within 24-hours of the immersion, you should actively reflect on the immersion and consider adding to your journal. Then, in the week following the immersion (including in class), you should revisit your intentions for the immersion and reflect on your experience:
• What leadership strengths did you use during the immersion?
• How did you exercise your leadership strengths?
• What did you observe about your behavior? How did others respond to your behavior?
• Was there a disconnect between what you intended and what you observed, and why?
• What would you do similarly or differently, in a future team situation?
• How you will continue to enhance your leadership skills?
Step 4: Reflection Paper
In no more than two pages, double-spaced, please address the following questions. (Note: Use full sentences and paragraphs to present your ideas.)
• What leadership skills did you use during the immersion?
• What did you observe about your leadership skills? How did others respond to your leadership skills? Was there a disconnect between what you intended and what you observed, and why?
• Provide at least three concrete, specific examples to support your explanation (e.g., examples of effective and ineffective problem-solving; examples of strong and weak communication).
• What would you do similarly or differently, in a future team situation? How will you continue to enhance your leadership skills?
• This assignment should be typed, 11-point font, double-spaced, and no more than two pages. Be sure to proofread carefully.
• If you use exact words, especially if you capture someone’s exact words, you must put quotation marks around the cited material to acknowledge that these are not your own words. If you have citations, you must also include a references page or works cited page with your submission (this page does not count towards your page limit). Remember, plagiarism is claiming work as your own that you have copied from another person, whether that other person knows about it or not. This includes copying from web sites without proper source citation and using papers prepared by current or past students. This also includes submitting work previously completed for an assignment (in this course or another course) without my permission. False claims of any kind may be considered a violation of the Academic Integrity policy.
Leadership Immersion and Reflection Paper
Evaluation Rubric
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Leadership Immersion
Up to 50 pts
You attend, and you are an active participant with reasonable contributions to the immersion experience.
(50 pts) You attend, but you are minimally active with little or no substantive contributions to the immersion experience.
(25 pts) You do not attend the immersion experience.
(0 pts)
Up to 50 pts You meet the parameters of the writing prompt. Your reflection identifies your leadership skills; discusses your observations of yourself and others, and the relationship between your intentions and observations; provides three examples; and discusses your plans for future situations.
(50 pts) You meet most of the parameters. Your reflection is missing one to two points within the prompt.
(40 pts)
You meet some of the parameters. Your reflection is missing two to four points within the prompt.
(30 pts) You do not meet the parameters. Your reflection is missing four or more points within the prompt.
(0-20 pts)
Up to 30 pts
The examples you use are specific, rich, varied, and support your explanation.
(30 pts) The examples you use generally support your explanation.
(25 pts) Some of the examples you use do not support your explanation.
(20 pts) Few of the examples you use support your explanation.
(0-15 pts)
Up to 10 pts Sentences are concise and well-crafted; the reader can effortlessly determine your meaning.
(10 pts) The reader can generally determine your meaning with very little effort. (8 pts) The reader cannot always determine your meaning.
(6 pts) The reader cannot determine your meaning.
(0-5 pts)
Up to 10 pts No spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. All sources are properly cited, and paper includes a References or Works Cited page. (10 pts) Few spelling, punctuation, and/ or grammatical errors. All sources are properly cited, and paper includes a References or Works Cited page. (8 pts) Some spelling, punctuation, and/ or grammatical errors. Some of the sources are not properly cited, and paper does not include a References or Works Cited page. (6 pts) Significant spelling, punctuation, and/ or grammatical errors. Sources are not properly cited, and paper does not include a References or Works Cited page. (0-5 pts)
Up to 150 pts
This rubric is adapted from “Exhibit C.3. Rubric for Papers” in Ambrose, S. A., Bridges, M. W., Lovett, M. C., DiPietro, M., & Norman, M. K. (2010). How learning works: 7 Research-based principles for smart teaching. Jossey-Bass.