MLA Format Font size 12, Times New Roman All sources must be peer reviewed. May use books as sources as well. Must submit a Bibliography Each page must contain three (3) cited quotes from the primary source (Paradise lost), and two (2) cited quotes from secondary sources (books, journals articles etc.) Only concentrate on Books I, II, IV, and X of Paradise Lost. (1,2,4,10) Here is a clarification of the topic: In this essay I will explore how Satan’s journey from heaven to hell, hell to earth, and earth back to hell is a psychological journey as he transitions from Lucifer to the Devil. Hell for Satan is a state of mind. John Milton writes that “The mind is a universe and can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven,” meaning that in our minds lies the product of our own misery, desires and dissatisfactions. These are then projected on the outside creating a world of unhappiness or hell. Satan’s perception of hell and heaven directly mirrors what is going on within his psyche. He says, “Which way I fly is Hell; myself am Hell” (4.75), when he becomes aware that he is psychologically in a state of hell, and that he himself is hell. No matter where Satan travels, chaos and hell will always follow because he is spiritually condemned. Though Milton’s Hell is a physical place, for Satan it is an internal Hell. This outline may help: I. Introduction A. Background information 1. John Milton’s physical hell 2. Satan’s anger towards God a. Satan’s psyche b. Thesis statement II. Decent to Hell A. Pandemonium 1. Satan’s physical transformation 2. The council of Hell (demons) a. Hell as a state of mind b. Demons as different levels of Satan’s psyche III. Journey to Earth A. Satan’s turbulent flight 1.Chaos: Satan’s chaotic psyche 2. Death and Sin (Satan first hates sin, then falls in love because its a part of him narcism. sin and death is part of his psyche) IV. Satan’s Soliloquy to the Sun (book IV begins on line 32) A. Satan reflects on what he has lost 1. The sun is a reminder of the Lightbringer 2. Satan’s moment of honesty V. Decent back to Hell A. Satan’s transformation from archangel to Devil 1. The temptation of Eve 2. Satan’s appearance then and now. a. Satan’s physical transformation into a serpent b. Satan as shift from 3D to 2D character. VI. Conclusion A. Synthesizing ideas 1. Satan’s creation of hell in the mind 2. Satan’s attempts to replicate in hell what he had in heaven