1 inch margins
Times New Roman 12 pt font
double space
page header
ID info
“Catchy” title
Indent the first line of each paragraph
write in 3rd person only – do not use 1st or 2nd person
Similarity – your paper cannot be over 15% similar – meaning that no more than 15% of your paper cannot match other sources, otherwise there is a plagiarism issue
5 paragraphs – should be a MINIMUM of 3 pages of text and then the Works Cited page
MLA Citation – use correct form of in-text citation and include the Works Cited page at the end of the document – DO NOT SUBMIT IT SEPARATELY
ESSAY Directions: — An Example is provided at the end of this page (it is not perfect, it had different requirements, but provides an example of the overall format and intext ciations)
Introduction: this will introduce the topic – should be more than 7 sentences
Hook statement – the first sentence of the paragraph – it should connect to the topic
State the topic writing about
Provide any definitions necessary for reader to understand the topic
State why the topic is an issue
Provide one to two sentences that addresses the other side of the issue (the one you are NOT focusing on in the body paragraphs)
Include the thesis statement – this is the last sentence of the paragraph and should list the three reasons for the side of the topic you are writing about
Body Paragraphs – there are 3 – one for each reason
Provide a s STRONG and CLEAR topic sentence – it should clearly state a reason for your side of the topic – FOR EXAMPLE: One reason public school students should be required to wear uniforms is that it creates a unified environment.
Provide 1-2 statements that elaborate on the topic
Introduce evidence from one of the sources that supports the topic
Provide the evidence – this comes from a source IT MUST BE PARAPHRASED (written in your own words) NO QUOTATION MARKS and MUST BE CITED
Provide 1-2 sentences that explains the evidence
Provide evidence from a 2nd source (do not use the same source twice in each paragraph) – Again, introduce the evidence, provide the evidence and CITE it, and explain the evidence
Provide a sentence to transition into the next paragraph
Conclusion: – should be more than 7 sentences
Restate the thesis
Sum up the main points
Again, mention why this is an issue
Again, mention one or two reasons for the opposition
Provide a statement that calls for action on the topic