Topic: IoT Integration in Healthcare Systems for Improved Patient Monitoring and Care
Part 1
Watch the video Problem Statement.
Write a problem statement on the topic. Your problem statement must thoroughly describe the problem and include:
Facts (Shows that your problem is a problem)
The problem (What is your research problem?)
Why it is a problem?
A summary of how you are going to fix the problem
Watch the video Developing a Research Question.
Create two research questions for research topic.
Remember that research questions should focus on the purpose of the research and should provide an answer to the research problem.It
Part 2
Write a short paper (5 pages maximum excluding non-content pages) on the process of coming up with a good problem statement and research questions.
Your paper should be detailed enough so that someone can read it and come up with the same or similar research questions.
The paper must follow the formatting guidelines of the most current Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and be submitted as an MS Word document. Any supporting material must come from scholarly or professional sources (excluding blogs, wikis, and social media sites). In addition, the paper will be submitted through the Turnitin originality-checking tool.
Please don’t use chatbot or chatGpt and proposed research project is IoT Integration in Healthcare Systems for Improved Patient Monitoring and Care