Atomic Radius
The graph below plots the atomic radius versus the atomic number for the first 18 elements of the periodic table
1. Label the peaks and troughs with the correct element. Which element has the highest atomic radius?
2. Based on this graph what is the general trend down a column on the periodic table?
3. What is the general trend across a row on the periodic table?
4. Explain the sharp increase in atomic radius between the elements with atomic number 2 and 3? 10 and 11?
5. Which group of elements has the largest atomic radii?
Ionization energy
The graph below plots the ionization energy versus the atomic number for the first 18 elements of the periodic table.
6. Label the peaks and troughs with the correct element. Which element has the highest ionization energy?
7. Which noble gas has the highest ionization energy?
8. What is the trend in ionization energies going down the column of noble gases?
9. What is the trend in ionization energies going across a row on the periodic table?
Electron Affinity
10 . What is electron affinity?
11. Which group of elements has the highest electron affinities?
12. In general, what is the trend for the electron affinities of the noble gases? Explain the trend.
13. Which element has the highest electron affinity on the graph above?