Please writ a 200 word abstract and discussion for the attached dissertation Discussion points Compare and contrast the article that said the virulence involved and the the one says no. Vi antigen is important in vaccine, Salmonella typhi invasive strains contains vi antigen while paratyphi is invasive strains dose not (find source) Vi antigen is absent in all of strains except in one strain which mean it does not play major role in virulence of salmonella Dublin but the presence of it in one strain prove that it is mobile and can transfer from bacteria to another. 26 Human isolates are invasive and causes systemic disease and plasmid are present in all of the human isolates while the plasmid absent in nonhuman isolates in the usa and there are fewer reports of systemic disease in USA (find source that fewer cases in usa) the plasmid associated gene (mig5spvABCDR) are present but the rck and pefA are absent both of them are absent in the non invasive salmonella dublin as well meaning that plasmids in S. Dublin carries spvABCDR and mig5 and plays role in invasiveness. but the presence of rck in invasive strains of Ecoli made it important to consider searching for it in invasive salmonella dublin. pefA is present in salmonella cholerusis. GGT and pagN are present in all strains while in st313td present in most of it and all human.meaning that it plays role in invasiveness because human samples ars invasive. One small paragraph about importance to find another option for treatment because of antibiotic resistance and phage therapy could be the best option. limitation of bioinformatics tools and the website for the antibiotics resistance are limited (not all antibiotics are provided). Future recommendation.