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Post Your Introduction [WLOs: 1, 2] Prepare:
Fill out your Canvas classroom profile, set up your Canvas notifications, and upload a picture of yourself. Your profile and picture will follow you from course to course. It is a great way for others to get to know you and put a face with your name.
Need help? Check out the guide available in your classroom: Customize Your Canvas Classroom (Links to an external site.) guide.
For your introduction post, address all of the following:
Describe who you are and where you are from. Include any details to help us get to know you such as your hobbies, special interests, or what you enjoy doing in your free time.
Share your degree program and what professional career you are ultimately seeking.
Choose one of the following quotes and explain what it means to you:
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” —Pablo Picasso
“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands—your own.” —Mark Victor Hansen
“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” —Henry David Thoreau
Respond to Peers:
Respond to at least three of your peers by Day 7 (Monday). Take this opportunity to make connections, find common interests, and get to know one another. Consider commenting on the following:
One similarity or difference between you and your classmate.
Your thoughts about the quote your classmate chose.
An important part of your learning involves the exchange of ideas and feedback with your peers and instructor. It is also tied to the participation and critical thinking components of your earned discussion grade.
Tip: To see how your discussion will be graded, click on the settings icon near the top right of the discussion forum and select “Show Rubric.”
Need help? Watch the Posting to a Discussion Forum (Links to an external site.) video to learn how to post in the discussion forums and respond to peers.
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ReplyReply to Week 1 – Post Your Introduction
Heaven Higinio
FridayLocal: May 15 at 1:21am
Course: May 15 at 12:21am
Hello, my name is Heaven Higinio. I am 19 and have lived in Monterey County, California, my entire life. As a child, I was an avid reader, but now I prefer to collect vintage books, my oldest being from the 1800s. I have a multitude of other hobbies, my main being cosplay, painting, and poetry. If anyone does not know, cosplay is a form of art where you dress up as different characters, mainly from cartoons. In my junior year of high school, I took a psychology class along with a child development class, causing me to fall in love with both subjects. I have chosen to pursue a degree in psychology, with the hope of one day owning a daycare. Children are my passion, but I chose psychology as my major to widen my workforce opportunities.
From the three quotes, Mark Victor Hansen’s stood out the most to me. I have bipolar depression, which can make me feel that I have no control over my life and should instead give up. For me, Hansen is saying that you are the catalyst to achieving your goals. You can not wait for things to get better; you have to make them better yourself. In my opinion, he is saying that to achieve greatness, you must first know what you define as greatness. Putting your future in your own hands is the only way you are guaranteed your desires, dreams, and goals. If you leave your life up to fate, you will never know your potential or limit. We have to challenge ourselves to be better. As someone with depression, I find this message to be uplifting in an aggressive yet understanding way. When I read this quote, I feel as if Mark Victor Hansen is telling me that although I may find it difficult and not want to, I have to take steps to improve my situation.
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Jourdain Standafer
FridayLocal: May 15 at 1:02pm
Course: May 15 at 12:02pm
Hi Heaven,
I enjoyed reading your bio. The cosplay you enjoy doing sounds interesting and very much like it is a passion for you. I like your take on the Mark Victor Hansen quote. We definitely need to challenge ourselves to be better. Ultimately, we control what happens in our future and you cant just sit idly by and expect change. I like that even though you are dealing with depression you are optimistic and still want to improve your situation. I wish you the best of luck in your pursuit of your degree.
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Shanice Smith
SundayLocal: May 17 at 8am
Course: May 17 at 7am
Hello ,
I enjoyed your discussion. I like the cosplay because i love to read. I dont know if it is the same but i would be interested to know. I also agree about the quote as well your answer was very nice.
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Heaven Higinio
SundayLocal: May 17 at 4:28pm
Course: May 17 at 3:28pm
Hi Shanice,
Cosplay is like bringing to characters from books to life. Most people cosplay from animation or fiction books, but you can cosplay anyone and anything. I love to read too, although I have only cosplayed from one book. Thank you for your input on my interpretation of the quote. I hope we can talk more.
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Heaven Higinio
SundayLocal: May 17 at 4:48pm
Course: May 17 at 3:48pm
Hi Jourdain,
Cosplay is a huge passion of mine. I am even working on making a costume for the first time. I am glad you understood what I was conveying in my interpretation. We can’t hold ourselves back if we want to achieve our goals. Thank you for the kind words, and I wish you luck as well.
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Katie Decker
SundayLocal: May 17 at 8:45am
Course: May 17 at 7:45am
Play media comment.
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Heaven Higinio
SundayLocal: May 17 at 5:50pm
Course: May 17 at 4:50pm
Thank you, Ms. Decker. I attached a photo of three of my books. The two on top are Story Of The Gadsbys by Rudyard Kipling and Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. These are both copyright 1899 and the earliest books I have on hand. Peter And Wendy is the book that started my collection. My mom and I found it in the back of a truck along. I get most of them from thrift stores and yard sales now, but I have some from my great grandmother. I believe I have a book from the earlier 1800s, but I do not have it with me; therefore, I might be wrong. At the moment, I have about 47 books in total.
I am getting a BA instead of a Master because I do not want to be a therapist. A lot of people hear psychology major and immediately think “therapist,” however, I have no desire ever to be a therapist. I might be a school counselor at best, but I don’t even want to do that. I love psychology, and I love working with kids, but I don’t want to be their therapist. I like children to the age of 10. I would like to be a kindergarten, preschool, or daycare teacher. I chose a psychology major instead of an early childhood education major so that I can apply my degree in more places like managing or human resources, for example.
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Jessica Ramos
SundayLocal: May 17 at 6:49pm
Course: May 17 at 5:49pm
Hello Heaven,
Your bio and introduction are great I enjoyed reading both, psychology is one of our similarities. Cosplay sounds very fun and interesting.
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Chante Marie Julien
SundayLocal: May 17 at 7:29pm
Course: May 17 at 6:29pm
Hello Heaven, the way you described Mark Victor Hansen’s quote was beautifully written. I wish you the very best.
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Kreyonia Palmer
MondayLocal: May 18 at 2:26pm
Course: May 18 at 1:26pm
Hi heaven i can kinda relate to what you said about having bipolar depression disorder and the quote u have chosen an what u siad about the quote
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Jessica Ramos
MondayLocal: May 18 at 2:39pm
Course: May 18 at 1:39pm
Hi Heaven,
Your life sounds very fun and interesting, I never really looked into cosplay but definitely would like to learn more about it! I also chose to pursue my degree in psychology however i do not plan on owning my own business but wish you the best of luck on your journey.
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Heaven Higinio
MondayLocal: May 18 at 7:33pm
Course: May 18 at 6:33pm
Thank you, Jessica,
My life is definitely exciting. If you ever want to learn more about cosplay from me, feel free to reach out. I’ve been cosplaying for four years now; it’s a great form of self-expression, in my opinion. Maybe we will see more of each other since we’re persuing the same degree. I wish you good luck as well.
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Riley Michel
MondayLocal: May 18 at 4:38pm
Course: May 18 at 3:38pm
hey heaven! your introduction was very interesting! the fact you collect vintage book is so unique, I love it. I also love the fact you want to open a daycare. there are a lot of things that running a daycare come with that most people do not think about and the fact you are also getting your psychology degree i believe you are going to be a blessing to a lot of children.
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Monica Ramirez
YesterdayLocal: May 19 at 8:43pm
Course: May 19 at 7:43pm
Hello Heaven, I really enjoy reading your discussion.Cosplay seems very interesting. It’s really awesome that you want to Open your own Daycare and work with kids. I wish you nothing but the best in your Amazing Journey.
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Alex Larsen
FridayLocal: May 15 at 1:53am
Course: May 15 at 12:53am
Hello All,
My name is Alex Larsen, and I am from Stillwater, Oklahoma. My hobbies and interest are rather vast. I spend most of my time working as I am a professional truck driver. While I am on the road I go on walks, or if weather is unfavorable I will spend my down time reading, and listening to podcasts. I spend the limited time I have at home with my fiancée and two sons, fishing, or taking family trips.
My degree program is Business Administration. I hope to complete my bachelor’s in business administration, then continue to receive a master’s in business administration. My career goals are to promote within the transportation industry and become an industry leader.
The quote that speaks to me most would be, “By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands-your own.” Mark Victor Hansen. To me, the quote is saying by writing your goals and dreams down, it helps you to remain focused on what is important to you, and helps with planning, and seeing how those plans may change.
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Jourdain Standafer
FridayLocal: May 15 at 12:45pm
Course: May 15 at 11:45am
Hey Alex my name is Jourdain. I liked reading your thoughts you shared about Mark Victor Hansen’s quote. I agree that by writing our goals and dreams down it will help in the long run of accomplishing what we have set out to do.
It sounds like you really enjoy your job as a professional truck driver and you know exactly where you want to go with your career. I myself cant stand to be in a car for more than an hour. I would like to say thank you for what you do especially in these tough times we find ourselves in today.
Jourdain Standafer
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Alex Larsen
SundayLocal: May 17 at 9:56pm
Course: May 17 at 8:56pm
I do really enjoy my job, I have the opportunity to travel our nations, and meet people of all walks of life. I have learned so much throughout the years of driving, and I never thought it would make such an impact on my life either.
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Shanice Smith
SundayLocal: May 17 at 8:03am
Course: May 17 at 7:03am
I think it’s pretty cool that you drive trucks and still have time for school. I hope you the best of luck in class!
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Alex Larsen
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10pm
Course: May 17 at 9pm
Thank you, it is definitely a daunting task, but I doubt anymore then others in their daily lives. I have the advantage of not having the distractions of family when I am on the road, which really helps with course work. The course work also helps to keep me distracted from being stuck in a truck during COVID-19. Best of luck to you as well.
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Katie Decker
SundayLocal: May 17 at 8:46am
Course: May 17 at 7:46am
Play media comment.
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Alex Larsen
SundayLocal: May 17 at 12:19pm
Course: May 17 at 11:19am
Ms. Decker,
I do enjoy being in Stillwater. We live a couple miles outside of the city which is really nice. Typically we just go to Lake Carl Blackwell to fish, as it is close and my fiancee doesn’t want our four month old son outside to long, and not being close to home, I have considered majoring in a few different areas, but had just decided to go with the degree I want the graduate degree in also. I have been running a dedicated account delivering to Family Dollar stores throughout the Midwest. Starting Monday 5/18/20 I will be leaving the dedicated account and returning over the road, as it will better accommodate my lifestyle, and the time demands required for course work.
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Shawn Gilchrist
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10:07am
Course: May 17 at 9:07am
Hi Alex,
First good to see you pursuing a business degree, we might have more than one class together and it seems like you have your hands full with a busy schedule so good for you for going to school. I get to deal with truck drivers with my line of work and the stories they tell makes my day ,would love to tell you some but they might not be appropriate for school,ha.
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Alex Larsen
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10:42pm
Course: May 17 at 9:42pm
It is truly a unique and rewarding career. I have made great friends throughout this country, as well as learning life lessons, and seeing things I have never thought I would. We appreciate the shippers, and consignees who work well with the drivers, and don’t look down on us. Trust me there are some drivers who need to have better people skills, and become better at their jobs. That is part of why I want to promote within the company I work for. I hope to become a leader within my company to encourage safer, and more professional drivers.
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Zachary Kingery
Hey alex I am Zac. Wow sounds like you are a very bussy guy. I am glade you still find the time to read and listen to podcasts. It really helps to keep the mind learning on the road. It sounds like you have a good foundation for what you want to do with your degree. I like your take on the quote. I would have to agree with you on it
Jessica Ramos
SundayLocal: May 17 at 7:55pm
Course: May 17 at 6:55pm
Hello Alex,
great and interesting intro, I am not far from Oklahoma I would guess. Truck driving full time sounds pretty busy but nice at the same time. I am a visual kind of person so I can relate somewhat to the quote as well. Hope your journey goes great.
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Alex Larsen
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10:52pm
Course: May 17 at 9:52pm
Hello Jessica,
The job can be demanding in some ways, I actually just switched from a dedicated account where I delivered to Family Dollar stores throughout the Midwest, because I had to unload the trailers, as well as the driving. With this COVID-19 pandemic I have been to busy, and was struggling to manage the course work. I switched back to driving cross country, it’s a little less time with family, but it’s what was needed to better the future for my children, and I. Best of luck through your course work.
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Ashley King
YesterdayLocal: May 19 at 1:09pm
Course: May 19 at 12:09pm
Hello Alex,
That’s my Son’s name. Alexander. I also use to do a lot of traveling. Not only from being in the military Since 18, but I used to work for Apple maps. It was at a lot of different cities and states . Definitely had it perks to it. I wish I knew about more podcasts at that time. Good luck on your degree and keep on trucking!
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Jourdain Standafer
FridayLocal: May 15 at 12:30pm
Course: May 15 at 11:30am
Choose one of the following quotes and explain what it means to you:
My name is Jourdain Standafer. I am originally from Florida but currently reside in Memphis, TN. I just got out of the Navy about 3 years ago. I currently work for the Navy as a government employee. I a big sports fan. My favorite being football. I enjoy working out and playing golf when I have the time.
My degree program is Real Estate Studies. I chose this degree as it closely relates to what i currently do for work. I plan on using this degree to gain more experience in my current career field and continue to promote within the federal government.
The quote that stands out the most to me is by Mark Victor Hansen. By writing down your dreams and goals, it allows you to see everyday what it is you are working to accomplish. Putting your future in your hands allows you to control the outcome.
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Alex Larsen
FridayLocal: May 15 at 9:19pm
Course: May 15 at 8:19pm
I would like to start by saying thank you for your service to our amazing country, both as a Navy Veteran, and your current DoD position. Real Estate can be an extremely lucrative profession. I enjoy sports also, although I am more interested in Hockey.
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Katie Decker
SundayLocal: May 17 at 8:47am
Course: May 17 at 7:47am
Play media comment.
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Jourdain Standafer
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10:21am
Course: May 17 at 9:21am
Hi Ms. Decker ,
My name is actually pronounced like Jordan. A little different for sure. I didn’t necessarily choose to get out of the Navy, I was medically retired in 2017. The transition has been pretty seamless for the most part. I am a huge football and basketball fan. Go Gators and Bucs!
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Shawn Gilchrist
SundayLocal: May 17 at 10:26am
Course: May 17 at 9:26am
Thank you for your service, i had a uncle that was on the USS Carl Vinson,and my friend Kenny was a medic for twenty years in the navy.Huge football fan,college or pro ,and what’s your team?Love my Iowa Hawkeyes and i’m Minnesota Viking fan.Good luck this year.
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Zachary Kingery
SundayLocal: May 17 at 12:43pm
Course: May 17 at 11:43am
Hello there,
That’s awesome to hear you are going into something you already love doing. It sounds like you have some good plan laid out for you and your future. I like what you put down for the quote. I wish you the best of luck in the coming month.
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Corey Gambirazio
MondayLocal: May 18 at 1:04pm
Course: May 18 at 12:04pm
Hi Jourdain,
I love Florida, I can’t wait to move to Miami with my family when I get older. I can relate to the navy seeing I just made 2 years. Although I can’t relate on liking sports to much all I do is hear about it being that my family loves sports. I think Real Estate Studies is a great degree plan seeing that I am also on that career path. I always seen myself in this career field since I was a little Kid watching HGTV. I totally agree on writing down your goals because viewing them on a daily basis makes you understand why you are doing what you are doing and what the outcome will be.
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Ashley King
YesterdayLocal: May 19 at 12:04pm
Course: May 19 at 11:04am
Hello, Jourdain.
I am from Florida as well, Broward county close to Miami. I also served in the military. Ft Riley Kansas, U.S Army Infantry. I got out as a buck sergeant(E5) Team Leader. Seem like we have few things in common because im also studying Real Estate for my degree program. Good Luck on your journey.
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Monica Ramirez
YesterdayLocal: May 19 at 4:13pm
Course: May 19 at 3:13pm
Thank you for your service. I also enjoy watching football , i enjoy playing withn my brothers on BBQ sundays tho my brothers can be a little to ruff haha. Good luck and the best wishes to you.
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Jennifer Torres
FridayLocal: May 15 at 4:12pm
Course: May 15 at 3:12pm
Hello classmates,
My name is Jennifer Torres, I am 31 years old mother of 2 Mia(2) Jeremiah(13) I am a wife and full time mom. I live in Florida as I have been here for over 15 years I’m originally from Chicago we moved here for a better life and change. I do have my own business in cosmetics and skin care which are Avon and Mary Kay I’ve been doing this for 2 years I enjoy helping women look beautiful and give them the self confidence.
My hobbies are reading the bible, run my business , watch movies, and travel of course as a mom I take care of my kids. The program I chose for my future career is Bachelors in Applied Behavior Science degree. I love psychology, I chose this program because I would like to be a ABA therapist to help children with autism. My son is autistic and I had gain experience of what is like to have a child with this spectrum. I want to help and train parents who are struggling with their child’s behaviors and make a difference.
The quote I chose will be, By recording your dreams and goals on a paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in your good hands- your own. This means for me by setting goals you can become anything you can achieve and have the potential to make those dreams come true.
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Heaven Higinio
FridayLocal: May 15 at 4:49pm
Course: May 15 at 3:49pm
Hi Jennifer,
I also love psychology. Being an ABA therapist sounds like a lot of work. I respect you for wanting to help children who need extra care. I personally could not be in that line of work, so seeing that you have the drive and desire to do so is important. I agree with your interpretation of Hansen’s quote. If we know what we want to achieve we are better able to make those dreams come true. I wish you the best of luck and am sure you will succeed.