International Relations Theory | 2023-24 | Summative Assessment One: Theoretical Concepts |
Premise: This assignment involves students engaging closely with central but contested concepts in IR. While concepts are necessary to analyse international politics, and many such as ‘power’ are shared by multiple theoretical traditions, there is little agreement on how to define these concepts. Indeed, IR theories approach shared concepts in different ways, with consequences for how we empirically analyse and normatively engage with the world.
Mechanics: In this assignment, students will be expected to closely engage with three theoretical concepts discussed during Michaelmas term: (1) power, (2) norms, and (3) anarchy. For each concept, students will select ONE academic, peer-reviewed article from a reputable journal (see an example of appropriate journals below). The text must NOT be part of the module reading list. Students will then write a maximum of 500 words on each article, discussing how the author(s) interprets the concept in question. Key to this assignment is analysing how the article contributes to our understanding of the particular concept and enriches IR theorizing. In demonstrating how the article contributes to IR theory, students will be expected to reference material from the module’s reading list. The total word count for this assignment is 1,500 (excluding bibliography).
Format: Students should include the following:
· a Title Page with their anonymous codes (NB: identifying names should NOT be written anywhere on summative assignments) and word count for submitted assignment (minus title page, bibliography, and appendix.
· Full bibliographic reference to the selected article dealing with power.
· A maximum of 500 words , critically presenting how the article discusses the concept and how it contributes to our understanding of the concept in the discipline.
· Full bibliographic reference to the selected article dealing with norms.
· A maximum of 500 words of critical analysis, critically presenting how the article discusses the concept and how it contributes to improve our understanding of the concept in the discipline.
· Full bibliographic reference to the selected article dealing with anarchy.
· A maximum of 500 words of critical analysis, critically presenting how the article discusses the concept and how it contributes to improve our understanding of the concept in the discipline.
· Full list of references.
NB: The total word count for this assignment is 1,500. Please be aware of SGIA’s strict adherence to word count limit and the associated marking penalties. Examples and further instructions, especially with regards to the use of generative AI tools, will be discussed by the end of Michaelmas term.
Rubric: Marking for this type of essay will be slightly different than a traditional one, so please bear in mind the following criteria.
Theoretical: Accurate and substantive presentation of the specific concept from an academic, peer-reviewed journal article. Critical evaluation of how the article defines the concept.
Empirical: NA
Focus and Structure: Clearly organised prose. Theoretical discussion of the concept is clear. Few grammatical errors.
Argument and Analysis: Critical analysis of how the article’s use of a concept contributes to IR theorising more generally. Situate the theoretical intervention within the discipline.
Research Effort: Care is taken to select an academically rigorous article. References to module reading list.