Pеrform an Internal Factor Evaluatіon on Under Armour INC. The crіtical thing to remember about this analysis is that you should develoр a thorough understanding of the factors chosen. The analysis should include an Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) chart (attached) with the categories of “Strengths” and “Weaknesses”. Weights and ratings are to be assigned in a similar fashion. It is important to understand here that you are looking for those elements that truly separate Under Armour Inc. from its rivals… What does Under Armour do better than other firms in its industry? THESE are the firm’s strengths. For example, if you include “Advertising and promotion” as a marketing strength, Under Armour needs to be truly exceptional in this regard. Perhaps they have won awards, or are acknowledged by industry observers as being superior in this way. That they simply happen to do advertising is not interesting as ALL firms likely do the same thing to some extent. Review the material on core competencies in “Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2017)” Ch. 3 and apply that analysis to the firm’s internal factors; are the strengths in question rare, costly to imitate, nonsubstitutable, and/or valuable? Use Table 3.5 as a useful guide for this assignment. Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE): Complete the IFE Matrix. Please use attached preformatted IFE Template. • Choose 810 internal factors for analysis (or as many as you can discover). • At least 4 pages (excluding the matrix chart). • APA formatted MSWord doc/docx file only. • Use the 12point Times New Roman Font. • For each factor, write a paragraph or two as necessary discussing the nature of the factor, how it will impact the firm, and its importance to the future strategy of the firm (i.e., explain why you assigned the weight and rating score that you did). • All sources must be properly cited using APA guidelines for the References listings and intext citations.