Section Description
Title Page Research title, recipient or course title, names of authors and
student IDs.
Executive Summary Summary of half a page.
TOC Table of contents, max. one page.
Listings List of tables, figures, and abbreviations (if applicable).
Introduction General research aim, basic context, purpose of research,
contribution to knowledge, definition of terms, scope, and
Research Question Central and guiding questions.
Literature Review Details from the peer-reviewed theoretical and research literature in
the context of the research aim; critically assessed.
Research Design General overview of the research program; best as graphical model
Description of population and sample/participants, sampling
process, controlling for extraneous factors and sampling error.
Instruments Description of used indices, type of scores, validity and reliability
Procedures Procedures of sampling and limitations; best as workflow model
Data Analysis Analytical methods, scale of measurement, type of distribution.
Research Plan Proposed timeline including milestones
Bibliography References according a defined style (such as APA)
Appendices Additional information, such as extensive tables, maps, or workflows
(if applicable)
Glossary Short description of special terms