Inanna is the morning star (Venus), and the complex goddess of love with far reaching powers that vary and expand over time.
Venus star represent the Sumerian love goddess Inanna and is part of her celestial powers.
(Why does she leave the heavens or the realm of the living ?)
Inanna’s Descent to the Underworld (hymn in translation) – translated by poetess Diane Wolkstein
Critical Essay on “Descent of Inanna to the underworld”
based on the full translation in
Wolkstein, Diana, Inanna Queen of Heaven and Earth, 1983, pp. 52-73. linked below in blue.
Please try one of these two files linked in blue or the pdf ( second one is taken from the second link}.
Descent Of Inanna Kramer Wolkstein 1983 online (1).pdf
Descent of Inanna – translated by Diane Wolkstein and approved by Samuel Noah Kramer, Sumerologist
Descent Of Inanna.pdf
Please be aware you should employ just this text and no other author, no commentary nor article. Your essay is yours; your arguments based on the quoted passages you choose and explain to create your essay – Your content is directly from this ancient text in translation. Chat.gpt for content will also disqualify your essay, only for checking your Grammar or English.
Below are requirements and specific questions for you to answer USING your selection of quoted passages in the hymn.
Length of 5 page paper (may be double spaced)
Required a minimum 8 quoted passages ( content important, not simple one line statements) that you quote and then explain and use to build your essay.
This essay is not a summary nor a report but selections that have impact –
For example, Inanna has companions but travels alone in her powerful goddess attire [the ME s are the god powers in a crown, dress, jewelry.. ] but she says little to the Gate Keeper of the underworld – possibly even makes up a story to seek admittance rather than ever saying why she is wanting to descend.
Look for cause and effect in the hymn with evidence from specific passages; this is easiest.
Again your essay consists of your choice of parts not it is not a report or summary; Bonus content can be your own questions based on.. and I look forward to your content and even one question.
Content should concern:
Overall GOAL is to Evaluate Inanna – her intelligence to character based on:
What is the possible reason for Inanna’s descent to the underworld, calle the kur?
the number 7 occurs and where?
how can Inanna be a cosmic deity/goddess and lose her life?
who values Inanna? and how is she rescued?
In conclusion, please answer/contribute:
Does Inanna deserve to live and why?
What question would you ask Inanna or Erishkigal ??
important to know:
Ereskigal or Erishkigal is the sister of Inanna and the ruler of the Underworld (called the Kur)
Annuna are the divine judges or Annunaki
the term Me = the powers of a god or goddess, in jewels to clothes to staff.. .
Solo or two person team may write the essay
BUT each quoted passage and explanation must indicate who wrote what parts.
There is no shared paragraph; rather you must each write a separate conclusion based on.. and each quoted passage per person (minumum 5 per person only ok if they help the essay) must be chosen as evidence and help answer and build the essay.
It may be easier to write this essay singly.