design Infographic and write about Natural Resources
it should follow the six thinking hats style as mentioned in the attached requirements
Description/Rationale: The project is based on real life experiences of how effective thinking skills
can be used to encourage planning and development in Kuwait. The theoretical background of the
project explores areas of planning and development in Kuwait using effective thinking skills. To be
more specific, the whole work is related to De Bono’s Effective Thinking skills in his book “The Six
Thinking Hats.”
Each student will be expected to plan the steps to follow in their data collection process. They will
have to present a clear image or idea of what, how and where they would like to apply the acquired
knowledge. Students will have to create an infographic.
Learning Outcomes
Project Summary (SCENARIO)
In this project, students will need to think a way to plan and develop Kuwait, based on good
examples from around the world. Students will need to apply De Bono’s Effective Thinking Skills to
analyse planning and development in Kuwait. They will also need to make decisions and use six
thinking hats on how to implement idea to planning and development in Kuwait. Students also have
to evaluate the effectiveness of their decisions. After evaluating their decisions they will have to
identify the areas requiring improvement and make recommendations for how effective thinking
can help policy makers in Kuwait.
Project Title:
Planning & Development
By the end of this project, students will:
1. Understand how to use each thinking hat on its own and in sequence with the other
hats to generate, evaluate and select new ideas and solutions.
2. Understand the need to focus on a way forward, setting aside counter-productive
3. Generate creative ideas in order to come up with effective solutions.
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Deliverables and Project Management
Deliverable is about creating an infographic by using the information you have gathered, learned
and applied by using six thinking hats. Your group members will select a topic from the list provided
by their respective instructors in order to create an infographic for an online submission. The Virtual
infographic can be designed using any free online platforms such as (https://venngage.com/ or
It’s actually quite simple: According to “Learning Pyramid” developed by “National Training
Laboratory” you remember 10% of what you only read, 20% of what you only hear and see, and
more than 70% of what you practice and do. So, if you like to keep information unforgettable; put it
into memorable infographics by reading, seeing, hearing, and doing all together.
5 Steps to create a memorable Infographic:
• Focus on a single, big message
It`s ideal to focus on a single, coherent, big message that the whole infographic aims at conveying
through metaphors, visuals etc.
• Blending visuals and colors with text
Using eye-catching colors and visuals without losing the richness of reading materials. Try to
choose some primary colors and visuals to enrich the texture and design.
• Think of a strategy for using the space
Aligning your elements properly depends on the usage of space; you should decide on which
information to use that matches to best background of your choice. The reader should be guided
throughout the steps until they get to the final destination point you want them to reach at.
• Selecting the right fonts
Since you are not going to use too much text; you may come up with three main fonts for
title/header, main body and a third to enrich the texture in general.
• Design an eye-catching sketch
You need to think of a storyline that flows from one point to another by attracting the reader with
an-eye catching layout.
Submission Specifications
The Virtual Infographic will be submitted on Turnitin on the day and time as stated on Moodle.
Upon suspicion and doubt of the authenticity of the work submitted, the Instructor has the right to
ask the student to verify her/his work. This can be done through, but not limited to, repeating the
work, oral examination or discussion, alternative or similar on spot class assignment, pop quiz, or
any other action deemed necessary. If the student fails to prove the authenticity of the work, then
the Instructor will apply the academic misconduct rules, as mentioned in the AUM Student
Handbook, which may include awarding the work a zero grade. Students are expected and
encouraged to be honest and to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their
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academic work and assignments at the University For a detailed description of academic
misconduct, please refer to the undergraduate AUM Student Handbook.
It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the submitted work is original, authentic, and
error-free (both text and images).