( Research activity 2)
Citations 10/10
Bio: 30/30
Lit 20/30
Cult: 0/30 (These answers are biographical– pls be sure to investigate what was happening culturally at the time; consider history, religion, economy– look at the state of the country/world in his life time
score 60?R
Laura Arias
Who influenced Coelho into becoming a sex and drug addict at his younger age?
Coelho’s desire to understand the truths about life made him vulnerable to sex and drug addiction. People blamed him for everything wrong that happened (Coelho, 2020). By treating him as a rebellious boy, he felt stigmatized and unwanted. He, therefore, perceived anyone as an enemy regardless of the nature of advicDid Coelho undergo complete reformation upon being released three times away from it?
Coelho never felt any bitterness towards his parents for committing him in a mental asylum for three years. He acknowledged that the parents did not want to hurt him; instead, they wanted to help him, but they did not know what to do (Morais, 2013). Coelho recognized the period he was in the asylum as an era of his complete reformation. His parents’ decision to send him to asylum did not destroy him. Coelho treated the experience in the asylum to advance his writing career. The daily encounters and activities provided essential insights and knowledge that he relied upon to enhance his writing career. In his revelation, Coelho said that writing was idealistic at heart, and deep down, he thought of himself as someone who wanted to be a writer.
While in the asylum, Coelho associated his experiences as part of his legend. He always yearned for adventure, and therefore, he could easily envision newfound life aspects into writing (Mayer & Maree, 2017). For instance, his involvement in all progressive movements in 1968 got him attracted to Marx, Engels, and Che Guevara. Similarly, new knowledge and experiences drove him into journalism, where he opposed capitalist ideology through writing. He founded a magazine called 2001 that was instrumental in linking him with people who had similar ideas in fighting for freedom and human rights.
e they wanted to pass to him.
Literary Information
What contributed to the huge success of Coelho registering many sales from his book “The Alchemist.”‘?
Numerous translations contributed mostly to the high number of sales registered by Alchemist. Multiple authors around the world translated the Alchemist in languages that the readers could understand. In doing, the translation bridged the language barrier that was synonymous with the first edition of the Alchemist.
Who assisted Coelho in translating his book “The Alchemist” into many languages across?
Clarke assisted Coelho in translating the Alchemist in various languages of the world. He liaised with other authors and writers around the world to translate the book into more than 50 languages.
Cultural Information
Is Coelho married, and if yes, how many kids?
Coelho married Christina Oiticica in 1980 and spent part of their lives in Rio de Janeiro and Pyrenees Mountains. Currently, the couple resides permanently in Geneva, Switzerland.
Why does Coelho loving spend their year in Rio de Janeiro and Pyrenees Mountains in France?
Coelho loves spending their year in Rio de Janeiro and Pyrenees Mountains in France because the environments are peaceful and tranquil. Therefore, provide a comfortable atmosphere for relaxing.