Assignment #3: Individual Formal Business Report –
An Organization I Would Like to Work For (20%)
• This is an individual assignment
Learning Objectives:
• To gain experience creating (writing, design, editing, proofreading) a formal business
report, including using proper APA format.
• To use effective research methodologies and analysis.
• To understand the structure and elements of formal business reports.
• Analyzing organizations in your chosen field (Researching Jobs; Job Application)
• Due Date: Please refer to Critical Path on Blackboard
• All Submissions are due as an electronic copy, saved in a .pdf format and submitted in
Blackboard (under Assessments-Assignments) by 11 am on the Due Date. Late
assignments will be deducted marks.
• Your report must be 12pt Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing, standard margins.
You will prepare a research report on an organization that has a presence in Canada that you
think you would like to work for when you graduate. Include:
Introduction/Background: (1 page of text; approx. 1.5 page with visual)
• A brief history of the organization, its mission/purpose, products/services
• Basic information such as its industry, target customer, market share, competitive
• Organizational structure and leadership
• include at least one “visual”
Analysis: (2 pages)
• One key opportunity it is pursuing and how they plan to achieve it.
• One key challenge it faces and how they plan to meet those challenges.
• Why did you choose this organization initially?
• Based on your research, what is your sense of its organizational culture? What are your
impressions of the organization? It is important that you think critically – go beyond
what the organization says about itself and provide your own personal impressions in
your own words.
• Identify two key questions that you would wish to know further about the organization
to prepare for an interview there.
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Conclusion (half page):
• Having done this research, do you still think it is an organization that you would like to
work for when you graduate? Explain your reasons.
In developing your research and report, consider the PAIBOC questions on pages 25, 241.
Your paper must contain all parts of a formal business report (see Module 17; example on pg.
315): Cover Page, Letter of Transmittal, Executive Summary, Table of Contents; Introduction,
Report Body/Analysis, Conclusion, References). Expect the total report to be approximately
10-11 pages.
The References page must have at least six sources cited, using proper APA format. You also
MUST include in-text citations using APA format in body of report.
Academic integrity: All reports will be checked for academic integrity and originality. You must
ensure that your report is your own original work and sources of information properly cited.
Tips & Hints:
Start early so that you have time to gather your information and prepare at least two drafts,
and do proper revisions, including editing and proofreading. Make sure you keep track of all
materials researched, including websites, as you do your research.
Modules 2, 4, 5, 13-18, 23 of the textbook are the most relevant. For a terrific resource for APA
citations, go to Humber Library website http://library.humber.ca/ (See “APA in Minutes”).