What’s Next for the Strategic Planning Assignment? Now that you have selected a topic, it’s time to begin researching it. I can’t emphasize enough how big this project is, which is why we don’t have a lot of other formal assignments leading up to this. Do not wait till the last minute to try and complete this project, it will be difficult to accomplish that way. Instead do a little bit each day. Once you find a few papers about your topic you can begin to write a first draft of your outline, which will help you to identify other areas you want to research. As you pull articles, look at their reference list, for other articles applicable to your topic. Remember an outline is short brief statements, not whole sentences and certainly not a series of whole paragraphs. Below you will find a sample outline I started on 12hour shifts, so you can see what I should look like. Sample Outline for Strategic Plan for Change Paper Write a structured outline of your paper including the references you plan for each section. 1. Introduction and Statement of the Problem 1.1. Systems theorists suggest that all solutions come with a side effect that will emerge over time 1.2. One solution to the nursing shortage was 12hour shifts 1.3. An unintended consequence of 12hour shifts is that 60% of nurses do not take breaks 1.4. Lack of breaks leads to dangerous fatigue levels resulting in 1.4.1. Patient errors 1.4.2. Motor vehicle accidents after work by care providers 1.5. Research shows nurses who took breaks were as alert as at start of shift 1.6. Why nurses don’t take breaks 1.6.1. Some nurses claim they are not tired 1.6.2. Short staffing 1.6.3. Like the money paid for not taking breaks 1.6.4. Don’t feel comfortable handing off care to colleagues 1.7. Purpose of this paper 1.7.1. Review literature on Systems theory 12hour shifts Nurse Fatigue 1.7.2. Provide solutions to nurse fatigue 1.7.3. Provide suggestions for why 12hour shifts do not need to be eliminated if nurses would take breaks 1.8. What is the problem? 1.8.1. Nurse fatigue causes patient errors 1.9. Why is it important enough to warrant a change? 1.9.1. Patient safety 1.9.2. Scholarly Reference #1 GeigerBrown, J., Rogers, V. E., Trinkoff, A. M., Kane, R. L., Bausell, R. B., & Scharf, S. M. . (2012). Sleep, Sleepiness, Fatigue, and Performance of 12HourShift Nurses. . Chronobiology International: The Journal Of Biological & Medical Rhythm Research, 29(2), 211219. 1.9.3. Scholarly Reference #2 The Joint Commission. (2011). Health Care Worker Fatigue and Patient Safety. The Joint Commission Sentinel Event Alert(48), 14. 1.9.4. Scholarly Reference #3 SmithCoggins, R., Howard, S. K., Mac, D. T., Wang, C., Kwan, S., Rosekind, M. R., . . . Gaba, D. M. (2006). Improving Alertness and Performance in Emergency Department Physicians and Nurses: The Use of Planned Naps. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 48(5), 595604. *References in this section support the importance (23 is adequate to establish that the problem is significant). These may be peer reviewed journal articles and may or may not, be original research. 2. Review of Literature 2.1. Research Reference #1 (GeigerBrown, et al., 2012). 2.1.1. Fatigue caused by lack of adequate breaks 2.1.2. Leads to patient safety issues 2.2. Research Reference #2 (The Joint Commission, 2011). 2.2.1. Issued sentinel alert regarding patient injuries and 12hour shifts 2.2.2. Hospitals required to come up with plan of correction to address patient safety related to fatigue caused by 12hour shifts 2.3. Research Reference #3 (SmithCoggins, et. al., 2006) 2.3.1. Had R.N.’s take driver simulation test prior to 12hour shift 2.3.2. Had experimental group take breaks and control group not take breaks 2.3.3. Group that did not take breaks was equivalent to being clinically drunk on drivers simulation test post 12hour shift 2.3.4. Group that took breaks was as alert as begging of shift when administered driver simulation test postshift 2.4. Research Reference #4 TO BE ADDED 2.5. Research Reference #5 TO BE ADDED The review of literature section requires at least five current scholarly peer reviewed articles. Research articles are required for this section! Include a short synopsis of the studies, the population studied, and indicate if the research is Qualitative or Quantitative. The purpose of a literature review is to identify strategies for change to address the problem. This is not a place for articles establishing the problem (that is in the introduction/background). 3. Synthesis of the Evidence 3.1. Provide a clear, concise, summary of potential actions derived from your evidence review. 3.1.1. 12hour shifts without breaks causes dangerous levels of fatigue 3.1.2. Fatigue related to 12hour shifts has resulted in patient safety issues 3.1.3. When nurses take adequate breaks there are no issues with fatigue 3.2. Compare and contrast recommendations to improve on the problem. 3.2.1. Develop plans for nurses to take breaks to eliminate fatigue 3.2.2. Avoid discussion of eliminating 12hour shifts to reduce resistance to change 3.3. Determine the best action for your organization and make a succinct statement of your recommended plan. 3.3.1. Work with Shared Governance to provide nursing input and ownership 3.3.2. Benchmark other organizations that provide adequate breaks 3.3.3. Design roll out plan for mandatory breaks 4. Suggested Courses of Action