You are required to write a 2,000-word (+/- 10%) essay on the implementation of
contemporary HRM practices for a chosen company operating in Singapore. The chosen
company can be from any country and industry. Your reference list and appendix are not
included in the word limit.
The rationale for this assignment (as opposed to more traditional essay question format) is
to assess your ability to apply the theories and models you have learned in the module to a
real existing company. In your future careers as managers, you will be responsible for
people issues in your team or organization and so, managing human resources is not just
for the HRM department.
Your essay must include and cover topics based on:
1. HR Planning;
2. Recruitment and selection;
3. Learning and development;
4. Gender and diversity at work.
You must address the topics in critical depth. In practice, you will find that HR issues are not
as neatly compartmentalised as textbooks and module outlines make them out to be! You
might also find that you may wish to draw on ideas and references from other related module
topics too, but take care not to try and cover too much or you will lack the required depth of
analysis. You should ask yourself how the knowledge you have learned through the material
can help you in understanding the proposed topics involved. Your work should also include
references to published research on the topics that your chosen company has identified that
goes beyond the materials we have given you to read for lectures and classes.
Learning outcome assessed:
S/N Description Tested
1 Demonstrate an understanding of key perspectives, theories and
concepts that inform contemporary understandings of HRM.
2 Analyse the effects of HRM practices and ideologies within a wider
social, economic and political context.
3 Critically evaluate the significance of HRM for firms’ performance.
4 Show awareness of current debates and the challenges facing HRM in a
contemporary context.
Assessment criteria:
Evidence of wide reading and use of these learning resources
The clarity of your understanding of the relevant concepts
Clearly addressing the two questions you have been asked
Critical thought and judgement
Independence of thought and originality of argument
Coherence in the discussion you develop
The quality of the organisation and structure of the argument
Effective use of language (clarity of expression, correct spelling and grammar)
Adherence to the formatting guidelines
The correct use of referencing.
Additional instructions:
You must word-process the assignment, with font size 12pt and 1.5 lines spacing
and including page numbers. Make sure you use the appropriate Harvard
referencing system.
The total word count can be 10% above or below the overall limit stated.
You should base you work on authoritative sources. Remember that many wellknown web sources are not permissible including blogs, Wikipedia, discussion fora,
and similar sites.
All electronically submitted work will be checked for plagiarism.
If you are in any doubt about these criteria and rules please ask the teaching team.
Note on academic offences:
In submitting coursework online, it must be assumed that you have read and
understood the following guidelines about academic offences. Please note that all
coursework is being monitored by plagiarism detection software. All submitted
papers will be included as source documents in the reference database of the
respective software solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.
The University regulations state that
“The University, the Students’ Union and the University’s Partner Institutions expect
all students:
– to behave with honesty and integrity in relation to coursework, examinations and
other assessed work; – to be familiar and act in accordance with the conventions of
academic writing including appropriate referencing of sources and
acknowledgement of assistance;
– to show understanding of ethical considerations and be compliant with the relevant
University Procedures.
A student who does not comply with any of these requirements (either intentionally
or by negligence) may be charged with having committed an academic
offence.”(Academic Offences Procedures 2017-18) “The following are some
examples of academic offences and do not constitute an exhaustive list:
a. plagiarism, that is, using or copying the work of others (whether written, printed or
in any other form) without proper acknowledgement in any assignment, examination
or other assessed work;
b. self-plagiarism, that is, using or copying one’s own work that has previously been
submitted for assessment, at the University or elsewhere, without proper
acknowledgement in any assignment, examination or other assessed work, unless
this is explicitly permitted;
c. false authorship, that is the submission of work for assessment that has been
written wholly or in part by a third party and presented as one’s own original work;
d. collusion, that is, submitting work produced collaboratively for individual
assessment, unless this is explicitly permitted and acknowledged;
e. falsifying data or evidence;
f. conducting research without obtaining ethical approval from the University where
such approval is required, or the unauthorised use of information that has been
confidentially acquired;
g. introducing, or attempting to introduce, any written, printed or electronically
accessible information into an examination, other than material explicitly permitted
in the instructions for that examination;
h. copying, or attempting to copy, the work of another candidate in an examination;
i. communicating, or attempting to communicate, with another person, other than an
invigilator, during an examination.” (Academic Offences Procedures 2017-2018)
“A student suspected of helping another student commit an academic offence may
be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the University’s Code of Student
Conduct.” (Academic Offences Procedures 2017-2018)