Impact of health determinants on young e- cigarette highschool students
Briefly summarize your project: How was the assessment completed? Who was your target audience and how many were in the audience? What was your topic? How did you determine what your topic should be (justification)? When and where did you present the community education project? ( at local highschool in community, elaborate) Who gave you permission to present at the location, was the permission form completed? How did you advertise your presentation? ( include posters, announcements in community) What educational materials did you use or provide to the audience?
Explain how you would evaluate whether the efforts to improve the health concern were effective. Include in your explanation the tools you might use to do this evaluation. Also, critically appraise your performance of the activity/project for this population. How did the population respond? What aspects were you most satisfied/least satisfied with? What went well (at least 3 things)? What changes would you make in the future (at least 2 things)?
For nurses, reflection is integral to higher-level thinking. You should be able to critically analyze scenarios and possible outcomes as opposed to simply asking the right questions. Acute perception of the entire situation will be obtained because you are open to dealing with the contradictions that may challenge your initial bias. Reflect on how your perspective of the community’s health and the national, state, and local efforts toward a healthier population has changed as a result of your fieldwork. Discuss the health of the target community population compared to national, state, local health findings. Discuss how the interventions used would impact at the local, state, and national level (include information on your chosen Healthy People 2020 goals). Finally, what impact did your project have on your target population?
The presentation should include at least two scholarly sources other than provided materials.