1. Abstract
2. Background
3. Purpose/Scope
a. Theory
b. Literature Review
c. Research Question
4. Hypothesis
5. Methods and Data
6. Results
7. Conclusions
Please go to scholar.google.com to get some of the information and references, please include the below the following to cover the requirements.
Read your chosen article and write your response to reflect the following questions:
• 1. What is the topic of the paper and what do the authors find?
• 2. What is the main independent variable being tested and what is the dependent variable?
• 3. What is the scholar’s main argument and how do they test it?
• 4. If your article has a statistical table, what variables proved to be significant and which did not?
• 5. How does the article fit into the broader literature, and what recommendations do they have for future scholars?
• 6. If you were to continue this line of research, how would you expand on this study? What would you include?
Finally, write your overall response to the article. Did the authors make a convincing argument? How is a scholarly article more credible than a regular mainstream article?