Assessment 3 Information Subject Code: MBA404 Subject Name: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology Assessment Title: IMC Impacting on Consumer Behaviour in Movie Industry Assessment Type: Written Report Length: 2000 words (+/- 10% allowable range) Your task Individually, you required to write a 2000-word report based on the scenario provided in the assessment instructions. Assessment Description. This assessment is a culmination piece, in which you will be given an opportunity to combine the information you have accumulated in previous assessment that you did (order ID: 2267526669). More importantly, you will need to showcase an understanding of marketing issues related to consumer behaviours such as attitudes, group influences, culture, social class, consumer learning processes, and personal buying decision-making processes. Assessment Instructions Your task is to imagine that you have just been employed by the company of your chosen product or service (movie industry, you can choose Event Cinemas as the company) that you analysed in your earlier assessments and that the marketing department of this company has asked you to prepare a 2000- word report in which you must: 1. Write a concise executive summary that covers all of the significant findings of your report (not included in the word limit of this submission) 2. Provide a concise overview of the product and/or service, and its market performance (300 words) 3. Critically examine Event Cinemas’ current integrated marketing communication mix (IMC) (Week 9 & 10 lectures) by considering how it targets movie consumers’ attitudes, group influences, culture, social class, consumer learning processes, and personal buying decision-making processes. Please note that not all of these topics may apply to your chosen product or service (600 words). 4. Critically analyse whether or not the communication mix demonstrates a strong alignment to your survey findings in previous assessment (600 words). 5. Provide at least three strategic recommendations that either address previously identified misalignment OR proposed ways in which identified alignment can be strengthened. Please incorporate recent peer-reviewed literature to justify your proposed recommendations (500 words). You are strongly recommended to go through all the lecture slides that are provided in attachment, so you can find the best recommendations. Recommendations should not include manufacturing or operational improvements. Hint: • You MUST check back to the previous survey assessment, so that you can recall all information that is relative to this assessment. And note that I had revised a few content in your final draft, so check the one that I attached) • You may include Appendices (optional and not included in the word count). • You are required to use at least 15 sources of information and use Harvard Referencing Style. Wikipedia and other ‘popular’ sites are not to be used. These may include government publications, industry reports, and journal articles. • 8. Please refer to the Marking Guide below and try your best to follow up all the requirements. Assessment Marking Guide Executive Summary (10% of total mark): You wrote a concise executive summary that covers all of the significant findings of your report. Product/Service Overview (10% of total mark): You provide a concise overview of the chosen product or service. IMC (Integrated marketing communication) Analysis (10% of total mark): You critically analyse all of the marketing communication mix. Alignment/Misalignment Analysis (20% of total mark): You critically analyse alignment/misalignment of assessment 1 and 2, and your interpretation is well structured. Theory Application (10% of total mark):You have expertly applied and integrated all of the theories relevant to attitudes, group influences, culture, social class, consumer learning processes, and personal buying decisionmaking processes. Strategic Recommendations (20% of total mark): You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations. Use of sources/supportive evidence (10% of total mark): You demonstrate extensive and focused research, complemented by a wide range of sources. Grammar/Spelling (10% of total mark): Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors.