identifying my operating system and navigate within operating systems.
course outcome use computer operating system and microsoft word document . apply critical thinking tea assignment..determine operating system of my computer take a screwn ahot of system properties window and place into microsoft word document under the cover/title page ..3. add a cover page. include the operatind system my first and last name the university i go to and date of assignment.. 4. in the same microsoft document compose a paper ixentifying my computers operating system elements the same place where the acreen shot ia. 5 use questions below to explain why it is important to underatand what my operating system is and what it can or cannot support. 6 based on my knoqledge of operating syatems identify your plan to upgrade the office computers to a new windows has to be at least 2 pages long. sots got to be refrences on my refrence page. the full apa formatting is not requires it has to be in my own words noy off a webaite. to submit my document on microsoft word save it as IT133_Unit_1Riley.docx