For the course paper students should look up the platform of two national political parties (Democratic party, Republican party, Green party, Libertarian, etc.). You will need to choose at least one party that is not one of the two major parties (i.e. the Democratic party and the Green party, the Republican party and the Libertarian party, etc.). Students should then explain why they identify with one party over the other, citing specific examples from both parties’ most recent platforms, which can be found online (compare and contrast).
Papers should be approximately 2 pages in length (no more than 3). One inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, double spaced.
First name, last name, course name (POSC 100-16), date, and school should be on a separate cover sheet. That means that this information should not be on the first page of your paper (cover sheet only).
Students may otherwise use the formatting style of their discipline (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.). Papers should use proper grammar, syntax, have full sentences (hint: make sure your sentences have a clear subject), and have no contractions (won’t, can’t, don’t, isn’t, etc.).
Writing should be clear and concise, verbosity will not impress me (hint: if you can say it in ten words instead of twenty, say it in ten). Make sure to staple your paper and cover sheet together, with the staple in the left-hand corner.
Students MUST use specific examples to get full credit for this assignment. Saying you like one party over the other will not suffice. Saying you like one party over the other because you like and/or take issue with something that is not a part of a platform will not suffice. This is not an opportunity for you to get on your soap box and pontificate about your party preference, this is an opportunity for you to become more politically informed so that you not only make informed decisions, but can also knowledgeably explain the reasoning behind your political preference to others.