Begin by reviewing your readings to select a particular philosophy/philosopher of leisure that appeals to you. This is a research component wherein you must synthesize the ideas of this philosophy with any one of the following topics:
Health and wellness
Meditation and contemplation
Stress and relaxation
You must demonstrate a logical argument about how these philosophies relate to your selected topic in our modern lifestyles. For example:
How does a philosopher like Josef Pieper and his ideas on leisure and happiness relate to the topic of stress and relaxation in our daily life?
The deliverable for this stage will be a basic outline of the project in which you will
identify your chosen philosophy/philosopher and the topic question (stated as in 2. above) you wish to explore.
You must submit this first part for approval by your professor.
Part 2: Outline
Due no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 3
Ungraded, but with feedback
Write a brief (200-300 word) rationale for your choice and the main argument(s) you will make.
List at least 3 of the 6 additional sources you will use to support your argument(s).
The completed outline with these additional components will be submitted to your professor.
Part 2 work will only be graded in the final submission (Part 3), but submission is mandatory and subject to the usual lateness penalties (applied to the final submission). It is important that you work on each stage as described, as it will keep you on track, and provide valuable feedback and guidance from the professor.
Part 3: FInal Submission
Due no later than 11:00 p.m. on Sunday of Unit 6
Worth 30% of final grade
A. Visual Presentation Instructions
As this is a project (and not a written essay) in which the ideas and arguments you are developing need to be integrated into a visual presentation, Part 3 will involve you seeking out online visual and/or aural examples to support and illustrate the key points/arguments you have made and are continuing to develop from Part 2.
Examples can include any print media you want to scan or find online and/or your own artwork or photography created for this specific purpose.
Ensure any media materials you incorporate, even if your own creation, are properly credited below or next to the image or clip.
In the case of these media images or clips, you do not have to cite them in your reference list – just credit them in the presentation itself.
Gather and organize your materials in such a way as to support or contextualize your thesis/arguments from Part 2.
Remember that you are not only supporting your ideas, but using the visuals as a way of engaging, drawing in, and persuading the viewer to your perspective.
Integrate the visual presentation work into the Final Submission.
B. Final Submission Instructions
In this final part, both components will be combined into a single media-rich presentation.
The presentation may be created in a variety of media, such as PowerPoint, Sway, or Prezi, but the following characteristics must be included:
Information, ideas, and arguments you developed from the research and reading you did in Part 2.
Information presented in a visual (images, photos, illustration, video) and aural (sound clips, music, narration) manner that supports and contextualizes the ideas (Part 2).
Apart from an opening title slide/page and a closing References slide/page, the body of the presentation has no preset length or structure. It need be as long as it needs to present your arguments completely and effectively.
While you are encouraged to be creative, you should avoid being overly symbolic or obtuse. There must be a logic and flow to your presentation, an organization that effectively engages and persuades and teaches the reader something they may not have previously known. Note that most of the grade is associated with the strength of your research and arguments, and your ability to communicate them, not your artistic vision.
Save your work in such a manner that will allow your professor to review your project without specialized software. PowerPoints should be saved as .ppt files; Prezi, Sway, or other web/cloud-based applications may require saving to the cloud, in which case submission will be in the form of a Word document that includes the presentation title, your name, and a clearly labelled URL/link to the material.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they know how to use the software and save the content.
Yorkville University tech support cannot provide much assistance when using third party presentation software (especially at the last minute), so select a format you can be comfortable with, learn it early and test frequently to make sure everything works as planned.
Part 3: Final Submission will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.
Activity/Competencies Demonstrated
% of Final Grade
Strength of Project Argument (40%)
a. Clear and coherent project thesis
b. Clear and coherent project premises (reasons for accepting thesis)
Mechanics (40%)
a. Textual support/iterative stages met (Parts 1-3)
b. Artistic vision of overall presentation
c. Logical flow of overall presentation
Attention to Detail (20%)
a. APA Referencing and formatting
b. Spelling and grammar