Support the argument with specific reference to Inglehart’s post-materialist literature and relevant data from
between 8-12 countries. ( it will be provided)
This essay should include a minimum of three charts, tables and graphs, which display relevant data that is
used to support your argument.
You must use the software SPSS for this essay.
The purpose of this essay is to collect, analyse and display relevant quantitative data to enable you to test
your chosen hypothesis. Your data MUST be displayed in visual form (charts, tables, graphs), you should
include at least THREE separate displays of data, and you SHOULD discuss the data in your analysis.
It should continue to engage with the academic literature/debates on the topic and needs to be accurately and
adequately referenced.
1) Postmaterialist Values and the Shift from Survival to Self-Expression Values in The Oxford Handbook of
Political Behavior. (it will be provided)
2) Globalization and postmodern values in The Washington Quarterly by by Ronald Inglehart 2000. (it will
be provided)
3) Modernization’s Challenge to Traditional Values: Who’s Afraid of Ronald McDonald? in The Futurist by R
Inglehart; W Baker 2001
4) Changing Values among Western Publics from 1970 to 2006 in West European Politics by by Ronald
Inglehart 2008. (it will be provided)
5) The Issues in the Measurement of Postmaterial Values in Serbian Journal of Management by D Tadic; M
Ratkovic 2012. (it will be provided)
6) http://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSContents.jsp (I will provide chart that must be used)
7) World Bank, (2020), ‘Databank’, World Bank – World Development Indicators, Accessed at: