Introduction to Human Resource
Assignment Brief & Instructions
Course Title : Introduction to Human Resource Management
Assessment Method : Summative
Assessment Type : Essay (50%)
Executive Summary : No
General Instructions
Word Count: 1500 words. This excludes: Cover Sheet,
References, and Appendices. Word count should not be exceeded
(an allowance of +/ – 10% of the stated value is allowed). Words
submitted in excess of the allowance will not be read and will not
contribute to the grade awarded.
Please state the word count in the box on the Submission Cover
Sheet (see template below).
Referencing: The Harvard Reference Standard should be used for
all submissions. Students should familiarise themselves with the
Harvard Referencing Standard Guide
Figures & Tables: All figures and tables should be numbered,
bear a clear description, and note any source(s) used in their
Presentation and Submission of Assignment:
1. Assignments should be typed using 11-point font (Arial or
Calibri), with 1½ line spacing and a 4 cm margin on the right-hand
side of the page. The page size is to be set to UK A4. All pages
must be numbered. Essay to be submitted in MS Word format.
2. Essays must be submitted via MyAberdeen by 23:59 pm on 19th
October submission date. Any student who experiences any
difficulty with their submission must email the Student Hub
immediately: studenthub@afg-aberdeen.edu.qa
Task Statement
Students are to write a 1500 word, research-and-analysis essay
(+/-10%) specifically addressing the question below.
➢ All components of the question must be addressed. The essay
must be written in narrative form, using fully-formed sentences.
➢ Use of bullet points should be kept to a minimum.
➢ Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax are all assessable
➢ Students may consult with each other but must write separately.
➢ Plagiarism is a serious offence – 90% of all words submitted
MUST be the student’s own words.
Assignment Purpose Statement
1. The purpose of this assessment is to motivate students to
research sources of literature to support discussion/ arguments
within their essay.
2. The purpose of this question is to provide students with the
opportunity to apply theoretical frameworks to the study and
practice of Human Resource Management in contemporary
business issues using case studies.
3. The purpose of this question is to also provide students with the
opportunity identify and analyse information, consider theory
and practice of HRM and use it to create an answer that
demonstrates understanding of the topic.
Assignment Question / Assessment Topic
▪ The public sector is failing to attract younger employees, with just 12 per cent of the workforce
aged under 25 highlighting issues the public sector faces in marketing itself in a competitive labour
market. Critically discuss the adoption of workforce planning or recruitment and selection methods
of attracting 18 to 24-year-old job applicants to the public sector careers.
The student must then engage with both theoretical and practice-based arguments to demonstrate
familiarisation with the topic and provide a critical analysis. Students should engage with various
theoretical literature that provide a historical-chronological development of HRM like focusing on
HRM, workforce planning and recruitment and selection methods. Also, a well-developed answer
consists of practical illustration where different practical cases could be drawn either from teaching
material provided in the lectures and/or tutorials, or any other relevant academic material that helps
to ensure that the criteria mentioned have been fulfilled.
Specifications and Requirements
➢ All submissions must bear a completed Submission Cover
Sheet (see Appendix 1).
➢ Students are requested to use only their student number as the
submission title when submitting their essay to MyAberdeen.
➢ Note: Late submissions will be penalised per the University‘s
➢ Submissions will be assessed on the basis of:
Structure: Students are reminded that essays should have a
beginning, a middle, and an end. Moreover, each paragraph
should contain one point which is reasoned thoroughly and
explained well. Paragraphs should be linked appropriately to
form a consistent narrative throughout.
Content: students must demonstrate: [i] knowledge of the subject
area in question; [ii] the ability to search out additional
(relevant) material to that given in the lectures; [iii] the ability
to collate material into logical and coherent lines of reasoning
in a critical and analytical fashion; and [iv] the ability to
inform the reader whilst answering the question.
Presentation: All essays must be typed. All Figures, Charts and
Diagrams must be labelled and referred to in the text.
See Appendices 2 & 3 for further details.
Again, all submission MUST be written in the student’s own
words – unreferenced ‘cut and paste’ of material found on the
internet, or in journals or books, is plagiarism and will be
penalised according to the University’s policy. All submissions
must accurately acknowledge the contributions of others (i.e. they
must properly reference quotes, ideas, diagrams, etc.). A full
Reference List (listed alphabetically), including websites accessed,
must be provided on the final page using the Harvard Referencing
Other Presentation Tips
➢ Colour is unnecessary and will not contribute to the mark
➢ Avoid excessive use of borders and diagrams/clipart, except
where such inserts would positively contribute to the content of
the work submitted.
➢ The quality of the overall submission should be commensurate
with the expected level of professionalism.
➢The use of headings is essential for Reports and Briefing Notes.
Appendix 1
Submission Cover Sheet
I confirm:
a) that this is my own work and that I have read, understood, and
abided by the University regulations relating to plagiarism and
collusion. The definition of plagiarism as approved by the
University is: “the use, without adequate acknowledgement, of the
intellectual work of another person in work submitted for
assessment. A student cannot be found to have committed
plagiarism where it can be shown that the student has taken all
reasonable care to avoid representing the work of others as his or
her own.”
b) that the sources for all referenced material have been properly
c) that I am aware my work may be checked for plagiarism.
d) that I give permission for the duplication of this work for the
purpose of examination.
Students who are unsure of what plagiarism is, or to avoid
plagiarism in action, should see their Course Coordinator or other
Teaching Team Member.
Student ID Number
Course Code
Assignment Title
Course Coordinator
Word Count
Submission Date
By submitting this document electronically, the submitting
student agrees that it constitutes a signed undertaking
affirming the above as being a true and accurate statement of
facts in relation to the assignment to which it is attache