Political Impact Research Paper
? 5-7 pages – the paper must be a minimum of 5 FULL pages in length (you may exceed maximum length of 7 pages, but there is no special grade value in doing so). ?
? 1-inch margins on all sides. ?
? 12-point Times New Roman font (do not use Courier New or other fonts that ?change page counts) ?
? Double space ?
? 0 point spacing between paragraphs ?
? No subheadings such as: “Introduction” or “Summary” or “Conclusion” ?
? Grammar and usage are taken into account when grading ?
? You may use a title page, but it does not count toward the page count. ?
? The work cited page does not count toward the page count. ?
? Sources:
? The Struggle for Democracy ?
? Taking Sides ?
? At least 5 additional authoritative sources (only 1 can be a website).
Directions for Paper?You will write a 5-7 page paper arguing how a person, event, movement or party has impacted the American political landscape within the last 20 years. You may NOT choose an American president as a topic. What did this person/thing do? Why is this person/thing important? What effects of this person/thing can still be felt today?
Your paper must include the following:
? Introduction that summarizes a biography of the person or brief history of the event/movement/party ?
? Argument where you state what kind of impact your subject has had on American politics and provide supporting evidence ?
? Conclusion ?