Final Project Step 4: Reflect and Research
Now it is time to reflect and think critically about how health psychology plays a role in behavior change.
PART A: Reflect on your Experience (300-400 words)
Describe your targeted health behavior change and goal. (I will attach it, please use abstract part in essay)
What health-promoting behaviors helped you achieve your goal? On the contrary, what health-compromising behaviors created a challenge for you? (I will attach my journal from the 3-week assignment; I lost a total of 3lbs.)
Do not exceed 400 words.
PART B: Applying a Public Health Lens (500-600 words)
Your textbook defines health psychology as the field “devoted to understanding psychological influences on how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond when they do get ill.”
In an essay format, describe how psychological factors, thought processes, and social influences affect a population’s health. How do these factors help determine the choices people make about their health, or about treating illnesses?
Incorporate your own experiences from this project into your discussion. (I will attach the notes taken during this project)
Apply a public health lens in your discussion: how does public health play a role in behavior change? What can public health do to influence behavior change at the individual or population level?
Include at least one citation to a reputable source other than your textbook. Do not exceed 600 words.
Other Requirements
Upload your assignment in a Word file.
Utilize APA format. Links to an external site.
Be mindful of minimum and maximum word count required for each section. Do not exceed word limit.
This assignment is due by 11:59pm on 12/03/2023.
You may submit assignment before deadline.