Research and write a 2000word essay that answers the question you wrote about in your research proposal 1. Include the question you will answer 2. understand what the question is asking, understand key words, concepts, theory, and related unit content 3. Identify and incorporate relevant scholarly evidence 4. Make a logical and coherent argument 5. Answer the chosen question 6. The essay should begin with an introduction that includes your thesis statement/argument, which is your answer to the question 7. Be properly referenced using a consistent referencing style and acknowledging all work by other authors, include in text reference 8. Include a bibliography with a minimum of 7 academic sources. (Use the reference in the file attach) You can use relevant information from those sources with correct referencing, but those sources would need to be in additional to the 7 academic sources that you use. You may use more than 7 sources if you find additional relevant information.