PURPOSE Using data abstracted from the literature in the Review Matrix you will begin writing a critical review of the literature. Sections you will write include the introduction, method of review of literature, and results (synthesis). You will use a variety of literature to introduce the health concern. You will select 8-10 of the most highly relevant and highest quality research articles on your topic to include in your results section to synthesize the literature. Your written analysis will reflect a critical review of the literature and an extrapolation of common themes. THINK: what are the major themes that run throughout the articles you have selected.
Writing the Scholarly Paper
In part 2, you will begin writing the Literature Review scholarly paper. See D2L for resources and tools to help you with writing your scholarly literature review. Meet with your advisor as needed and/or recommended. Meetings may be held in person, over the phone or via a virtual meeting such as Google Hangout.
You will format your paper using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. (APA). APA resources have been added to D2L.
St. Kate’s offers many resources to assist you with academic writing:
In the O’Neill Center for Academic Development the college offers writing services for graduate students face-to-face on a drop-in basis and online by appointment. Click here for more information.
The St. Kate’s Library is committed to helping you succeed, and that includes giving you the tools you need to avoid plagiarism. Click here for St. Kate’s Library Plagiarism Resources.
It is highly recommended that you submit your paper to Grammarly to check for writing concerns before you submit your paper. St. Kate’s offers this writing tool to all students. See D2L for information on how to access and use Grammarly. Click here for Help Guides from the St. Kate’s Help Desk.
Consider this paper to be a working draft. You will have an opportunity to improve this portion of the paper after receiving feedback. However, do your best at each stage to reduce significant point deductions and the need for major revisions. Consult the rubric for grading criteria. Expected length of paper, excluding cover page, references, and appendices (if used) is no more than 15 pages.
Writing the Introduction, Method and Results (Synthesis) Sections of the Scholarly Paper:
Introduction: Describe the purpose of the literature review. Non-research literature as well as the research literature will be useful for this section of the paper.
1. A summary of the review of the literature- Background, nature and scope of the concern.
2. Motivation for the review- Why is this concern important? What are the social justice implications? What is the relevance to nursing?
Fall 2017
St. Catherine University, Henrietta Schmoll School of Health
Department of Nursing, MSNEL Program
3. An overview of the healthcare concern- What is the health care concern and why is it a concern? How does the concern impact the population of focus? Why is it a social justice issue?
4. The purpose of the review- Why is this important now? Provide a statement of purpose for the critical review of the concern (thesis statement).
Method: Description of the procedures used to complete the literature review.
1. Briefly describe the search strategy you used to search and review the literature. Include:
a. Date of your final search (i.e. “The final date of the search strategy was month, day, year.”)
b. Time period covered by the review (i.e. “The review of the literature covered a five-year period from 2012 to 2017.”)
c. Sources used (i.e. “The search included the use of three bibliographic databases, MEDLINE, etc, etc.” Indicate if special attention was given to specific peer reviewed journals)
d. Types of articles/sources (empirical studies, qualitative, etc. i.e. “Only empirical studies were reviewed, clinical guidelines and letters to the editor were excluded.”)
e. Summary of inclusion and exclusion criteria at different stages of the review with a final statement of number of that met the inclusion/exclusions criteria (i.e. a total of 20 articles were examined, of which 10 met the inclusion/exclusion criteria.). Statement of criteria used to determine the quality of the research articles (you may have used more than one).
2. Describe the Review Matrix Method-because you are using the Matrix Method adapted from Garrard (2017), you will need to reference this using the reference below. (i.e. “Using the Matrix Method (Garrard, 2017) 10 articles were evaluated using a review matrix with 6 column topics: journal information, purpose, methodological design, number of subjects, etc.”)
Results: The major findings of the literature review in the context of the statement of purpose.
1. What are the major findings from your review of the research literature? What are the outcome and themes identified. What were similarities or differences in the research?
2. What information is missing or inadequate in the research you reviewed? What issue(s) is missing or has not been investigated thoroughly?
3. What is your critical analysis and synthesis? A critical analysis reflects evaluation of the evidence and making an informed judgment about the studies reviewed. Separate your discussion of the literature (issues, methods, etc) from the critical analysis. Critically analyze using a thematic approach. Synthesize the results of your analysis. To synthesize means to combine findings from analysis of the literature to draw conclusions from the findings.
Adapted from: Garrard, J. (2017) Health Sciences Literature Review Made Easy: The Matrix Method, 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
NURS 7000 – Nursing for Social Justice Scholarly Project Overview 3
Fall 2017
St. Catherine University, Henrietta Schmoll School of Health
Department of Nursing, MSNEL Program
• Describes the search strategy including: Date of your final search, time period covered by the review, sources used, types of articles/sources summary of inclusion and exclusion criteria with a final statement of number of that met the inclusion/exclusions criteria, statement of criteria used to determine the quality of the research articles.
• Describe the Review Matrix Method with proper citation
• Clearly articulates major findings review of the research literature
• Identifies research outcomes and themes. Identifies similarities or differences in the research.
• Identifies and describes gaps in the research reviewed (information in the literature is missing or inadequate).
• Critical analysis using a thematic approach reflects evaluation of the evidence and an informed judgment about the studies reviewed.
• Separates discussion of the literature (issues, methods, etc)
• Synthesis reflects critical analysis of literature, with combinations of findings to draw conclusions.
• Utilizes good grammar, spelling, sentence structure, paragraphing
• APA writing style and format, citation of sources, reference list, headings, appendix
• Follows assignment directions
RUBRIC Nursing for Social Justice Scholarly Project Part 2: Synthesis of the Literature Points Possible POINTS EARNED RESPONDS TO COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS ON PART I 5 INTRODUCTION 15
• Summarizes the review of the literature- Background, nature and scope of the concern.
• Explains motivation for the review- Why is this concern important? What are the social justice implications? What is the relevance to nursing?
• Describes the healthcare concern- What is the health care concern and why is it a concern? How does the concern impact the population of focus? Why is it a social justice issue?
• Describes the purpose of the review- Why is this important now? Provide a statement of purpose for the critical review of the concern (thesis statement).