This is for History M130 U.S. History, Colonization to 1865
PART I Write two (2) of the following essays
Write an essay on the origins of the American Revolution and its triumph over the British in the American colonies. What historical and cultural developments account for the Revolutions extraordinary success?
What caused the American Civil War? What was each side fighting for? Write an essay on the origins and outcomes of what some have called the second war of Independence. Use historical information to support your answer.
Discuss the origins and principles of manifest destiny.
Discuss the importance of Andrew Jackson.
PART II Write one of the following essays.
How did you see your country 18 weeks ago and how do you see it now?
What, in your opinion, are America’s Greatest Hits, Volume One? In other words, which individuals, ideas, or events have been the most important in the first half of American History? List your top ten (or so) and then give your reasons for your first three choices.