Comparing historical developments in the past and present: Compare a event to a present event and discuss how knowledge of the past can help us to understand the present. Example include the Spanish flu and Coronavirus, the Rise of Fascism in the 1920s and 1930s and the Rise of Fascism today. This will require you to do basic research on the past and present event – internet research is fine, but please be careful about who is putting out the information. Use sources from university sites when possible.
Using movies to understand the past: Watch a TV show or movie set in a historical time period that we have studied this semester that includes historical figures or themes relevant to the course. Analyze and discuss its utility for learning about and understanding history. As part of the assignment, you will have to assess how historically accurate your show or movie is. Use your textbook and notes for help. You can also find articles about the movie online, but if you use them you MUST cite them. Make sure to include a BRIEF synopsis of your show/movie