Directions: Write a paper of 7 pages using the outline and recommended resources included on these three pages to address the following:
Page 1: Title page
• Use APA format: This page is double-spaced and centered
• Include the title of your paper, your name, Concordia University School of Nursing, and the date on this page.
Page 2: Health issue in the community
• Identify one health issue that affects your community, either within your zip code or in the State of Michigan.
• Provide a brief definition of the health issue and its effects on individuals.
• Describe the magnitude of that health issue in terms of:
• incidence rates
• prevalence
• mortality rates
• at-risk populations
• Describe costs to the community related to the health issue; costs may include:
• Financial costs of treatment for those affected
• Hospital admissions related to the health issue
• Hospital length of stay
• Quality of life
• Lost productivity from workdays missed
• Use APA format: double-spaced, with in-text citations
Page 3: Graphs or tables to describe the magnitude of the health issue
• Include one graph or table to describe the magnitude of the health issue.
• In your own words, explain the graph or chart
• Include one graph or table to describe the cost to the community of the health
• In your own words, explain the graph or chart
Page 4: Other indicators related to the health issue, and community strengths
• Identify two health indicators related to this health issue.
o One of these health indicators should be from HealthyPeople 2020
o One of the health indicator should be from another national or an international source.
• Describe 2 strengths that the community has that would contribute to minimizing the negative impact of the heath issue. Strengths may include:
o Infrastructure, including buildings, transportation, etc.
o Resources: human, financial, educational, social support
• Use APA format: double-spaced, with in-text citations
Pages 5 and 6: Public Health Interventions, and Conclusion
• Identify two interventions that a nurse would undertake to address the health issue. Use the Public Health Interventions Wheel as a framework for these interventions.
• Describe how each of the interventions would address the health issue.
• Explain at least one of the interventions would address the HealthyPeople 2020 indicator
• Explain at least one of the interventions would address the other health indicator.
• Write a concluding paragraph to summarize your paper.
• Use APA format: double-spaced, with in-text citations
Page 7: References
• Use APA format for “References”
• Make sure that each item in the “References” section also has a corresponding in-text citation.