1. Select a health career of interest to you and present the selected career to instructor for approval.
2. Research the selected career ANDinterview an individual employed in the selected career. The bibliography must include at least 2 current (within the last 5 years) references. The above mentioned interview does not count as 1 of the references.
3. Interview questions/answers must be submitted as an appendix to the essay
4. Write and submit to the course dropbox by the date indicated, a minimum 500 word essay on the selected career. The following areas should be addressed in the essay:
a. Role as a member of the health care team.
b. Responsibilities as a member of the health care team.
c. Education requirement
d. Certification requirements
e. Licensing requirements
f. Salary
g. Opportunities for employment and advancement
5. Essay should be typed and double-spaced with 1″ margins on all sides. A header must be included in the top left-hand corner of every page including student’s name, course name and date.
6. Spelling and grammar should be accurate.