The research essay must be between 10-15 pages (at least 2500 words) and use at least 8 sources. Six of those sources should be peer-reviewed, scholarly articles.
In addition to the above requirements, your essay should contain:
A thesis statement that is taking a position in a scholarly conversation: Your thesis should be an argument that you can support with the research you’ve conducted. While your thesis will be your opinion, it should also be an opinion you’ve cultivated from the research you’ve done, and one you can demonstrate through the evidence in your sources and your analysis of that evidence.
An introduction: Like other introductions you’ve written for this course, this introduction should engage the readers (make them care about your topic) and provide important context for your argument. Keep in mind, the thesis generally comes at the end of the introduction for an essay like this.
Body Paragraphs
Topic Sentence: Your topic sentences should be claims; think of them as mini-thesis statements. Starting paragraphs this way makes it simpler for readers to locate your argument, and it also sets you up to spend a paragraph supporting your own ideas, not merely summarizing others’.
Evidence: Your evidence will come from the research you’ve done. Remember when you’re presenting research to introduce your source, and then you can summarize, paraphrase, or quote. When you’re integrating evidence from your sources, be sure to provide proper in-text citations.
Analysis: Go beyond just summarizing sources. Put scholars in conversation with another, explain how what you’ve shared helps support your argument. Analysis should take up most of your paper – if you’re quoting a source at length, it should be because you have a lot to say about that particular source.
Conclusion: Your conclusion should both rephrase your thesis statement and expand on why your argument matters to your audience.
Organization: Transition between paragraphs clearly to show the relationship between your ideas. Consider how to order your information so that readers have all the knowledge necessary to follow different parts of your argument.
MLA Formatting and Works Cited page: Along with the in-text citations, you must include a Works Cited page with all of the sources listed and properly cited. Your paper should be double-spaced, font size 12 Times New Roman, and you must follow all other MLA formatting requirements.