The texts focus on gun control in the US. Write a paper (700-1000 words) in which you
answer the following questions. Answer the questions separately.
1. Give an outline of the views on gun control presented in texts 1 and 2.
2. How does Yehuda Remer argue for his views in text 2? Give examples from the text.
3. Based on the opinions voiced in texts 2 and 3, discuss whether you think it is
possible to restrict the access to guns in the US.
Texts Page
1. Gary Younge, Why Americans won’t give up their guns, an article from
the Guardian, Oct 6 2017 2
2. Yehuda Remer, To Save America, we must teach out kids abut gun culture,
an article from the Dailywire, May 12 2017 4
3. Various comments from the online debate forum www.debate.org 7