Write essay on Government funded free four year college for all students in the United States.
The paper must imply why is important for free funded 4 year college and that with free college, people will be encouraged to attend to college, avoid financial debt and improve the economy
50% opinions 50% sources
All information must come from these sources:
Akers , Beth. “Game of Loans : The Rhetoric and Reality of Student Debt.” Miami Dade College, 2016, union.discover.flvc.org/md.jsp?st=Game%2Bof%2Bloans&ix=kw&avli=&fl=ba&V=D&S=2441585768078049&I=1#top.
Frotman, Seth. “Broken promises: how debt-financed higher education rewrote America’s social contract and fueled a quiet crisis.” Miami Dade College, 2018, union.discover.flvc.org/md.jsp?st=broken%2Bpromises%2Bhow%2Bdebt%2Bfinanced&ix=kw&avli=&fl=ba&V=D&S=2441585768078049&I=0#top.
Ivanchev, Yavor. “Student Loan Debt: a Deeper Look : Monthly Labor Review.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1 Dec. 2014, www.bls.gov/opub/mlr/2014/beyond-bls/student-loan-debt-a-deeper-look.htm.
Kirk, Loren M, and Timothy R Ulbrich. “It’s Time to Broaden the Conversation About the Student Debt Crisis Beyond Rising Tuition Costs.” Miami Dade College, 2017, union.discover.flvc.org/md.jsp?st=-It%27s%2Btime%2Bto%2Bbroaden%2Bthe%2Bconversation%2Babout%2Bthe%2Bstudent%2Bdebt%2Bcrisis%2Bbeyond%2Brising%2Btuition%2Bcosts&ix=kw&avli=&fl=ba&V=D&S=2441585768078049&I=0#top.