Sub-Section A : Digital GRC – Reflect the GRC or “internal controls” perspective for ERPS/ES´s and
relate it to any company of your choice. Instead of a company can also be a ‘fictive’ company. The selected company should have or plan to establish
an ERPS/ES. Focus on three perspectives** – 1.) ERP Governance, 2.) ERP Risk Management and
3.) ERP Compliance. In addition analyse and describe if for the described ERPS/ES an automated
GRC system is available and what are the main functionality of the GRC system.
Sub-Section B: Overall Conclusions – Divide the conclusion in two sections: First section is
dedicated to the professional aspects of the sections before – a summary perspective. The second section is dedicated to your personal learning: reflect what you have learned and how you can use it in the future.
The target group for your report is a board of managers (less time, but high decision-making
responsibility), which asked you to prepare a useful conclusion about integrated Enterprise Systems.
They trust you to be able to select the relevant topics and summarize them with a view to the
essentials. In addition, they expect a clear, descriptive and easily understandable report – in short a
professional work! Even though, the target group are managers, you are expected to cite the sources
you are referring to in APA style.