Assessment Task 1 – Goods & Service Evaluation Report
In the Goods & Service Industry much of the supply chain relies on having good suppliers who meet deadlines and provide the appropriate products as requested. Because this is such an important part of International Business it is incumbent on employees & Managers in the industry to build excellent relationships with these suppliers and to have strict procedures in place to ensure quality services. In order for you to be able to build those relationships and have the appropriate documentation in order you will require a set of tools to assist you.
For this unit you will need to create a portfolio of tools that can assist you in effectively managing suppliers. Completion of this task has been broken down into 3 sections so that you build your portfolio of documents as you progress through the unit.
Details of Assessment:
Supplier Management Portfolio Section 1
Supplier Management Portfolio Section 2
Supplier Management Portfolio Section 3
If you will be providing template you should indicate this (and include it in the cover sheet.