Global Economy (Individual Paper) – 20% of students’ final grade
1. All students in the class will write a paper that examines an industry or company in an industry and
its impact on global business. The purpose of this paper is to examine how a particular industry
or company can impact economies around the world and how their impact can be felt by
customers worldwide. For example, how has the political climate in recent years impacted how
Coke products are manufactured, distributed, and marketed to customers around the world?
How and what has changed compared to ten, twenty, thirty or more years ago?
2. Students will choose one industry (listed below) and will fully analyze the impact that industry has
on global business. Students may choose to look at an entire industry and its impact or may choose
to analyze a particular company within the industry and analyze the company’s impact on global
Choose One of the Following Industries:
• Fossil Fuel Energies
• Renewable Energies
• Food
• Big Data (Cloud Data)
• Sports
• Social Media
• Transportation
• Fashion
• Media
• Gaming
The individual paper is designed to apply the theories and concepts learned in class to the real world.
Instructions for this assignment are located below.
3. Each student will write at least TWO pages (but not more than TWO and a HALF pages). ONE
FULL page answering questions 5a-5e below are required for credit. Your answers can exceed ONE
page but MUST NOT be more than ONE and a HALF pages. The last page will be your sources
page. At least three reputable sources will be required for all students. This page will include a listing
of reputable weblinks, books, newspapers, media sources, magazines, etc. that the student used
to answer the questions below. No sources from Wikipedia or disreputable, non-confirmed
4. All information on all your pages must relate to your Group’s topic. Your answers must use
SPECIFIC EXAMPLES that include source material. Your FIRST FULL PAGE (or Page and a
HALF) must answer the questions below. You must number your answers.
5. Question: In the student’s opinion, using an entire industry or a particular company related to
your chosen field as an example,
a. How does your chosen industry or company impact international business?
b. Are they successful at what they do?
c. Have they changed their organizational structure and marketing techniques to meet the demands
of international business or have they not changed their original business plan?
d. Should your industry or chosen company remain private or should it be nationalized by individual
countries? Why do you feel this way?
e. In your opinion, how important will your industry be in the future of global business?
6. If you choose a company, answer ALL the questions based on the company. The same applies if you
choose an industry. For example: Do not answer question 1 on a company and then question 2 on
some other company or the entire industry. Be consistent.
7. Confirm whether your company is privately owned, publicly traded, has a franchise structure, etc
when answering question 5d on your instructions. For example, some companies are privately owned
AND have a franchise model. Understand the meaning of ‘nationalized by individual countries’ and
how it applies to your chosen company or industry.
8. Each Student must submit his/her individual paper in a Word Document under Assignments
in Blackboard no later than 11:59pm on April 12th.
B. Grading Rubric
Total Possible Points for Paper: 200 (20% of students’ final grade)
Detailed Points Breakdown per student
a. 100 points for answering questions under number 5 (20 points for each answer)
b. 60 points for sources page (20 points per reputable source)
c. 40 points for clarity of paper – answers make sense and follow