Minimum of 750 words, no more than 1250 words
Font is Arial, with a point size 12
Use standard margins: 1 inch from the left, right, and bottom edges Do not justify right margins
Use double spacing
Utilize a graphic organizer of your choice
Follow the Army Writing Style and standard written English.
Use the five (5) paragraph format
Strong purpose statement
● Use active voice
● Stay away from the words “should” replace with “we must” or “we will” to avoid ambiguity
● When writing an informative essay use facts to prove your point
● Thesis statement must be in the opening paragraph
● Thesis statement must be understood in a single rapid read. KISS (keep it simple stupid)
● The order listed in the thesis will reflect in your body paragraph.
● Do not overthink the thesis statement; it should be simple and easy
● For all Army essay’s margins are to be set to 1 inch all around
● Minimize your sentences to 15 words to avoid run ons
● Double spacing between lines and after ending sentences
● Paragraphs will consist of no more than 10 sentences
● Avoid jargon
● When listing items use the Oxford comma approach. Example (To bake a cake you will need eggs, milk, and butter.)
● Avoid contractions. Example (can’t, it’s, or won’t)
● Do not use unnecessary words such as “in conclusion”, “I think”, or “just”
● Do not ask a rhetorical questions or a question that you as the author will answer
● Capitalize the following words regardless of context: Army, Soldier, Civilian, and Family.
● Restate thesis statement in your conclusion
● Aim for your document to have below 40% plagiarism by ensuring you are properly citing references
● When using acronyms you have to spell out each word first to inform the reader what the acronym stands for and put acronym after in parenthesis. Once you have defined the acronym you can use the shorthand version throughout the essay. Example: Permanent Change of Station (PCS)
● Word count starts from the introduction paragraph not the title page